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Rzhevskii profile
I am a professional artist, graduated from the Academy of Arts in 2005 and still painting. I paint in a realistic and cartoon style.
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Legion 5

Join to get full access to the content all pictures in high resolution 3000 pixels big side

104 assinantes SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
USD mensal
Legion 10

Join to get full access to the content all pictures in original resolution 6000 pixels on big side

66 assinantes SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
USD mensal
Legion 20

Every month you will receive at least 3 full colored pictures, 6000 pixels on the large side. Plus PSD file with layers for each picture. Which characters to draw is determined by votes of subscribers, the vote of each subscriber weighs in proportion to the subscription price. So the vote of one Legion 20 subscriber is equal to four Legion 5 subscriber votes and two Legion 10 subscriber votes.

16 assinantes SubscribeStar $20 ; SubscribeStar All Subscribers ; SubscribeStar Unsubscribed


  • Legion5 3000 pixels big side. In polls, your vote is worth $5
  • Legion10 6000 pixels big side. In polls, your vote is worth $10
  • Legion20 6000 pixels big side. In polls, your vote is worth $20
Displaying posts with tag MarvelRivals.Reset Filter

Squirrel girl L5

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Squirrel girl L10

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Squirrel girl face

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Squirrel girl sketch

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Este post pertence a um $5, $10, $20 nível bloqueado.s
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