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rozen_rot profile
Gothic and Erotic Horror Stories and Illustrations

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Just get the public posts.

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Tier One: The Tip Jar

Tip Jar

For those who want to offer support but don't have the monetary funds to give a lot. Tip jar patrons recieve the following rewards:

  1. A shout out in all novels,novellas and short story collections - This is pretty self explanatory -- tip jar subscribers will have their username/name listed in the "acknowledgements"/"dedications" section of all short story collections, novels and novellas.

  2. Gumroad Discount - All subscribers will get a 10% off discount to buy my books on gumroad.

  3. Access to WIPs - Subscribers will gain access to WIPs of my short stories and novellas, which will include posting first draft chapters of pay-walled stories.

1 подписчик
USD в месяц
Tier Two: Benefactor
  1. All Previous Tier's Benefits All subs at this level get access to all of the previous benefits.

  2. Access to VN Betas Subs at this tier will get access to beta versions of Visual Novels as they're completed.

  3. Commission Benefits Subscribers get priority when commissioning as well as 5$ off any commission 25$ and over. Subscribers at this level can also commission me when I'm technically "closed" for subs.

  4. Short Stories and Novellas Subscribers at this level will get a copy of any short story/novella published at no additional cost.

  5. Request Alts If you've got an alt you want to see of something I'm working on and you're at the second tier, you can totally request it :)

1 подписчик

Добро пожаловать!

  • Advance Access to Alts & Exclusive WIPs
  • Access to beta versions of shorts, novellas and VN projects
  • Free copies of novellas & VN projects when finished.

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Публичный пост

Another Kind of Flower pt. 3 (CW: Tentacle Bondage, Aphrodisiacs, Dubcon, Transmasc Vaginal Sex, X-ray) ##

It's not very much, but considering Florian is pretty close to ODing on aphrodisiacs, it's enough to practically melt the poor boy's brain... But it's okay -- those flowers are real good at following orders, so he'll definitely be getting his wish of "more, more, more" ♥

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Публичный пост

Another Kind of Flower Pt. 2 (CW: Tentacle Bondage, Aphrodisiacs, Dubcon)

Part two of "Another Kind of Flower" -- things are about to get pretty interesting for Florian while he's in Faerie~♥

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Публичный пост

Florian's Dragon TF: Heat!?!? Anal Alt pt. 2 (CW: Anal Sex, unusual genitals, TF, cum)

It may not be exactly what he wanted, but at least he's getting one of his holes filled and creampie'd right?

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Another Kind of Flower: pt 2 (cw: tentacle bondage, aphrodisiacs)

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5 подписчиков
157 постов


$5 of $10
per month
Replace Patreon I do have one but I'd much rather be doing my work here where kinkier stuff is apparently allowed -- especially since I have a focus on erotic *horror*.

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