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Riye Rose
Riye Rose
I write the gays, the whole gays, and nothing but the gays. Come for the smut, stay for the experience.
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Riye Rose
Public post

Bad Dirty Sex Maniacs (Introduction Chapter)

Embarrassment washed over Issadore in droves. He stood in the middle of some sort of arena with dozens of seats surrounding it, and each chair was occupied. It was a full house. The stares of the onlookers made him shudder uncomfortably; they might not have if he weren’t wearing nothing but lacy three piece lingerie. It was night black with a flowery pattern, the bra was a snug fit, the thong hugged his hips and barely covered his cock, and the garters dug into the thickness of his muscly thighs and laced around his trim waist. He also had a lacy piece of fabric wrapped around his face, leaving only his hazel eyes exposed to the crowd. 
With so much skin exposed, the audience’s expressions were like ravenous wolves just seconds away from pouncing. Issadore wasn’t the only thing they were eyeing, either. Across the arena was another person, a beautiful busty blonde, and their ‘outfit’ was even worse than his. He wasn’t even sure if it was classified as clothing. The material looked leathery, a deep maroon color. It wrapped around the neck, cupped under the blonde’s large tits, exposing their perky nipples, crossed around their waist before trailing down the V line and leaving just a sliver of material down between their legs. 
On their face was a matching leather maroon mask, and also adorning their body were several small golden chains. Issadore didn’t know how to react seeing the blonde’s stiffened cock not even tucked out of sight. They didn’t seem ashamed, though, and stood just as tall and proud as their hard-on, purple-painted lips pursing with anticipation. What was more, the blonde had a riding crop with a golden handle in their hands and looked eager to use it. Issadore, on the other hand, held a medium-sized braided blood red faux leather flogger. Were they supposed to fight with these things? What sort of fight required for them to both be dressed so shamelessly? How did he even get into this situation? He couldn’t remember anything past getting into his boss’s car for their dinner meeting.
Mr. Lucien…!
Realization hit him like a baseball to the back of his head. Frantically, he looked around, praying to catch even the smallest glimpse of his boss somewhere. If he was there, he could rescue Issadore from…whatever the hell this mess was. But when his eyes caught sight of the familiar face of his new employer, his hopes of rescue were dashed into tiny pieces. 
There was a second floor where even more people were observing the arena, almost all of them fixated on the ring. And among those people, Issadore saw Lucien Belaire standing with a well-dressed woman, chatting with her as if they were old friends catching up. He locked eyes with Lucien, and a small spark of hope ignited in him. It was swiftly thrown back against the rocks, however, as his boss mouthed to him, ‘Do your best’ before continuing to chat with his companion. Issadore’s heart sank, and fear crept into him. 
An announcer took the center ring and spoke into a dangling microphone. “Alright everyone, it’s our final act of the night, and we’ve got a great match-up for you with some fresh blood, ripe for the harvesting! And a big kudos to one of our most valuable donors for sponsoring this new opponent!”
Issadore balked at the announcer’s words. Valuable sponsor? Fresh blood? He flinched when the announcer pointed his way. 
“Our newcomer, a virgin of 32 but don’t let his innocent face fool you; he’s a lover of spanking and edging! Please welcome, Angelface!”
He reddened under the raucous roars that rose up from the crowd, their erratic cheers drumming on his ears. Although he was grateful for not having his real name revealed, the stage name he was awarded somehow felt even more embarrassing. 
“Angelface will go up against a recent fan favorite,” continued the announcer, gesturing to the other side of the arena. “This fighter was pulled into our midst just over a month ago, but they’ve quickly unlocked their warrior spirit! Semi-experienced in bed at the age of 25, they used to be sex-repulsed but now fully embrace their erotic side: everyone, put your hands together for The Monarch!” 
More thundering cheers filled the space, and The Monarch gracefully bowed in response. When they straightened, they made sure to expose every inch of their body to the masses, causing the crowd to whoop and holler when they did so. 
“The rules are as follows: fighters have seven minutes to make their opponent ‘submit’. Weapons have been given based on the pain tolerance of the fighters. Physical violence is allowed! If either fighter falls out of the ring, the win goes to their opponent. The winner will be granted a small lump sum of riches and will move up in the ranks. And of course, the loser…shall be given to whoever has the highest bid of the evening to be used for their pleasure.”
Blood rushed out of Issadore’s face. He gripped the handle of his flogger tight. As a man who never had sex in his life, he did not want his first time to be a stranger who bought him in a sleazy underground battle arena. 
“Poor Angelface,” The Monarch crooned, dragging their manicured fingers over the length of the riding crop. “So unlucky for you that you had to go up against me. Don’t cry though, I’ll make sure you enjoy your first time~”
“I’d rather not have a first time at all, if I’m being honest here…” Issadore said with a gulp.
“Fighters, ready?” The announcer raised his arm straight up then swung it down. “Begin!”
The Monarch wasted no time and charged at Issadore, a blissful, eager expression in their eyes. Issadore forced his body to move and threw himself to the side, dodging his attacker. He landed on his stomach on the ring floor, his bare ass exposed to the crowd. The Monarch was quick, too. Twisting their body around, they had a perfect shot at Issadore’s unblemished cheeks. The slap came unexpectedly, and Issadore heard himself cry out at the stinging pain. 
“What a lovely sound you made, Angelface!” they exclaimed in delight. “Virgins are always so fun to devour, hehe. Make more noise for me!”
Another crack across his ass, and Issadore whined again. His noises seemed to rile up not only The Monarch, but their audience as well. Once more, he felt the riding crop slash across his ass, attacking the tender skin with no mercy. Gritting his teeth, he rolled away to avoid the last crack of The Monarch’s riding crop and scrambled to his feet. His head was buzzing now, and the reality of the situation had seeped in completely. 
“You were making such sweet sounds, Angelface,” The Monarch purred with a giggle. “Such a naughty boy that gets off when he’s being punished, ooh, what a catch you are, ehe~”
“That’s not it, I don’t like that,” Issadore huffed out, trying to ignore the sudden rush of heat aching all over his body. “This is too weird.”
“Mmm, is it? Well, there’s five minutes left on the clock, Angelface~” cooed The Monarch, licking their lips with excitement. “If you really don’t like this, you should just be a good boy and submit to me. Someone as weak as you wouldn’t stand a chance in this place anyway–”
CRACK! In the middle of The Monarch’s taunting, Issadore had steeled his resolve and rushed forward, slamming his head into the blonde’s. A torrent of shocked gasps rose from the crowd, and Lucien even leaned forward, his interest more piqued. 
“S-Sorry!” Issadore apologized, holding his forehead. “But I won’t submit to you, and I won’t lose this fight!”
Issadore hated losing, even in something so bizarre and fucked up. Not to mention, he would rather avoid the penalty that awaited the losing party of this brawl for the sake of keeping his chastity intact.
The Monarch was silent then started to laugh, gazing at Issadore with a crazed look. “You’re a rough boy, Angelface, but that’s okay with me… Let’s roughhouse, then!”
The riding crop was tossed away, and again The Monarch lunged at Issadore, slamming into him. Both toppled onto the ring floor. As Issadore struggled to pull the blonde off of him, The Monarch caught his lips in a fierce, bruising kiss. He even started to straddle Issadore, rocking his rock-hard erection against Issadore’s crotch. It felt good, and Issadore hated that it felt good. The pleasure didn’t last, though. Issadore choked into the forceful kiss as The Monarch’s hands enclosed around his neck, and by this point, the blonde was humping and rutting against him like some deranged animal in heat. His manicured fingers pressed into Issadore’s throat, nails digging into flesh and yearning to choke the air out of him. 
And this wasn’t choking for pleasure; he was really trying to choke the life out of him! Issadore flailed in a panic. His hand balled into a fist and struck The Monarch right in the side of their face. Droplets of blood flew from their nose onto the ring, but they were undeterred. 
“Angelface, you’re amazing!” cried The Monarch in ecstasy. “Hit me again! Oh gods, I want to come while you’re trapped under me! Aah, I’m so close, Angelface!~”
The timer was less than two minutes, and Issadore wracked his brain for a solution. As he struggled to keep the darkness lurking on the edges of his vision from fully engulfing him, Issadore got both of his hands on The Monarch. He was bigger and more built than the slender busty blonde so he shifted his weight to throw them both to the side. Once they were in that position, he maneuvered his leg and sent a forceful kick into The Monarch’s stomach. The Monarch grimaced at the intense pain caused by Issadore’s kick, and their grip weakened. Using that opportunity, Issadore summoned as much power into his leg and kicked The Monarch again, sending the blonde beauty sliding across the ring and tumbling out. 
A bell dinged, and the crowd gave a fantastical roar of elation at the unexpected turn of events. Issadore sat up, breathing heavily and swallowing down gulps of air. He slowly rose to his face, his expression blank as he stared out at the cheering audience. 
“What a thrilling match!” the announcer shouted, appearing by Issadore’s side. “Looks like our beloved Monarch has been dethroned, and tonight’s winner is the virgin bride, Angelface!”
 Issadore didn’t know whether to laugh or cry over his victory. 
With the match concluded, he was escorted out of the ring, catching the announcer start the bidding for The Monarch. He hated himself for thinking, ‘Better them than me’. He was left alone in the changing room, urged to shower, get dressed, and wait for his sponsor. Issadore stood there, unmoving. His ass throbbed from the blows dealt by The Monarch’s riding crop, his dick was hard and sticking out of his thong, and he was trembling all over. Part of him wanted so desperately to touch himself, to stroke his aching erection and release the fire burning in the depths of his loins. His sensible side held back that urge, however, berating him for having the audacity to be horny in such a dire situation. 
“Not going to change?”
The rich, sonorous voice that floated out to Issadore made him glance over his shoulder. Lucien stood by the entryway, dressed for success with a cool expression splayed on his face. Issadore felt a whirlwind of emotions crash into him. So many questions he wanted answers, so much rage wanted to escape, but the torrent was so strong, even he didn’t know how to handle it.  
“What did you do to me?” he asked in a low voice. “I didn’t…I didn’t ask for this.”
“You didn’t need to,” Lucien told him calmly. “When my assistant gave me your profile to review, I knew you were perfect for this. Why do you think you were hired in the first place?”
Issadore went pale. “W-What? What are you talking about?”
“Exactly what I said. Although it is true your secretarial skills are exemplary for your age, I was even more interested in your sexual prowess.” Lucien’s grin gave Issadore chills. “And upon further research, I was pleasantly surprised to find out what a delicate flower such a handsome, muscular man you were. Inexperienced and a virgin yet you have a spanking and edging fetish.”
“How did you get that information?!” demanded Issadore.
“Playing coy? Then perhaps the name ‘Date Finder’ rings a bell?”
“You…You found my dating profile?”
“Hmmm, can you really call it a dating profile when you so blatantly were searching for a quick fling? Eager to lose that virgin card, weren’t you?”
“You not only invaded my privacy, but you hired me to work for you just to bring me to this disgusting place?!” Enraged, Issadore lost his composure. “You’re a sickening man! I’m quitting and reporting you to the police!”
Lucien hummed at his threat. “That’s quite fine with me. If you do that, however, I can’t guarantee you won’t suffer any consequences.”
Narrowing his eyes, Issadore spat out, “What the hell do you mean?” 
“You shouldn’t underestimate the power of a businessman. I have connections in places you could only dream of, and I can assure you,” He closed in on Issadore, his voice low and menacing. “If you think you’re going to get away, you’re sorely mistaken. I can leak everything about you across the internet with the snap of my fingers, I will ensure you can never walk home without looking over your shoulder, and even your dreams won’t save you from me. I promise to make your life a living hell.”
Issadore was frozen in pure dread and terror as the crushing reality set in. The pleasant accommodating man he’d met in his interview was simply a mask to lure him in; the person looming over him was cruel and sadistic, a serpent taken human form, and he didn’t even realize he was in a chokehold until it was too late.
“Do you understand me, Issadore?” came Lucien’s deep growl.
He responded with a choked up, “Yes.”
Lucien’s sweet smile brightened his dark expression. “That’s why I hired you; you’re a good boy. Keep being good for me, and you’ll move up in the corporate world. Now, how about I take you home? Your place isn’t far from mine, after all.”
Issadore hung his head, biting his lip to prevent the tears from falling. “Y-Yes. Thank you, sir…”

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