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Red's Goops profile
Red's Goops
Red's Goops
I like to doodle some funny red goo form time to time.

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Tier 1 "Gloopter"

As tier 1 subby, you get early access to art posted a week before it makes it to the public as well as fund my horrid little doodles! This tier is intended for those with more vanilla tastes in art.


  • Catch art work a week early.
  • Access to the art vaults.
  • Access to exclusive art only seen here.
  • sneak peeks at wips and doodles that never see the light of day.
  • Monthly sketch requests (first come first serve).
1 подписчик
USD в месяц

As a tier 2 subscriber you gain access to a horrid vault full of things that weren't meant to be seen by the world!


  • Discounts on all commissions!
  • Catch art work a week early before its posted publicly.
  • Access to the art vaults.
  • Sneak peeks at wips and doodles that never see the light of day.
  • Access to exclusive art only seen here.
  • Monthly sketch requests (first come first serve).
4 подписчика


  • access to the art vault hoasted on
Displaying posts with tag fetish.Reset Filter
Red's Goops

Someone him to try it, and he likes it. (fetish content)

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
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Red's Goops
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Official Dekobee refference page w/ some clothing alts.

Here's the current reff of Dekobee. I had an idea for the dick one and you can see it with the 10% ~100% scribbles next to them. when he gets horny enough. his dick pops and turned into Uber horny mode. These images are in the mega file but I feel it's necessary to give this character some lime light because a lot of the fetish content is centered around this little degen.

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