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Rebis profile
Comic Artist from Japan, drawing sexy things

Subscription Tiers

per month
Dungeon Adventurers! 迷宮の冒険者コース

Welcome to the Dungeon! As a new adventurer, your mission is to seek the secrets of my works.

Access to some Patreon only Activity Feeds. Includes journals, sketches, doodles, and Work in Progress pics. Also sometimes you can find Subscribestar exclusive contents that I can't post on Patreon.

制作日誌やプレビュー 画像などを見ることができるコースです。Patreonに投稿できない小柄なキャラなどの作品を、たまに投稿することがあります。

21 subscribers
per month
AI Works Only AI作品のみコース

This is a pledge for accessing my AI-assisted works, mainly ultra-realistic ones. For Rebis' traditional comics, please opt for a higher tier!

AIを活用しつつ制作した、ウルトラリアル作品などを閲覧できるコースです。 Rebisの連載漫画なども楽しみたい場合は、より上位のコースをご利用ください!

18 subscribers
per month
Paragon Adventurers! 精鋭冒険者コース

As a legendary adventurer, delve deep into the Dungeon to find the treasures within! In addition to the above, Gain access to JPGs of translated comics and CG collections! Rebisの連載漫画や連載CG集も見ることができるコースです。 『現実改変アプリでハーレム学園を作ろう!』なども読みたい方はこちらをどうぞ! 日本語版も掲載開始します。

45 subscribers
per month
Denizens of the Dungeon! 迷宮の住人コース

Oh? So you are not an adventurer, but a denizen of this vast Dungeon? In addition to the above, Access to Hi-res JPGs of comics and CG collections! I'll send it via messages every few months. Access to my guest/friend artists' works! Access to the archive holding translated comics. (Please check my newest post with "Archive" tag to get the password to the archive)

漫画やCG集の高画質版が手に入るコースです。数ヶ月に一度メッセージでお送りします。 また、過去の同人誌のアーカイブにアクセスできます。現在は英語版中心ですが、日本語版も増やしていきます。

33 subscribers
per month
Wizards of the Dungeon! 迷宮の魔術師コース

Do you seek the arcane arts from me? If so, I welcome you as a wizard of my Dungeon! In addition to the above, Access to some of my art work PSD files (files which does not conflict with the current and planned release of my works). I'll send it via messages every few months. PSDファイルも手に入るコースです。数ヶ月に一度メッセージ機能でお送りします。

4 subscribers
per month
Dragons of the Dungeon! 迷宮のドラゴンコース

Ah, so you are the rumored mighty dragon! Such a huge treasure hoard you have there! Such wealth! Such magnificence! A creature of the Ancients! O' great One, I gladly welcome you to the deepest levels of my Dungeon! *Please note that this tier's offerings are mostly that of [honor,] rather than actual files.

In addition to the above...Your name will be credited on the top page of main site for oversea readers), and also on the last page of currently translated doujins! Please give me a message to inform me your name or an alias for it.

より多大なご支援をくださる、特別なあなたに! 追加のコンテンツのない、名誉コースとなります。あなたのお名前をrebisdungeon.comのトップページや、完成した作品の奥付に記載させていただきます。掲載するためのお名前またはペンネームをメッセージにてお伝えください。

0 subscribers


  • I'm a Japanese artist who draws sexy manga and art! I've been using Patreon for years, but recently I've been unable to post some content due to their terms and conditions. So I'm going to try SubscribeStar for a while. If things go well, I'll create more tiers on SubscribeStar and show you the same (or more!) content as on Patreon. If you'd like, you can go through this trial with me!
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Previews (like things) of April!

Thank you for your support this past March.
I will show you all new content that I may be able to bring you in the coming April.

These are things that I am working on in my spare time or when I have a PC free, while still concentrating on the main Rimu project.
Some of these may not be finalized or may be released earlier than April. However, I hope you will find them enjoyable for the future!

I am also trying to create a Gyaru character that is ultra realistic like Rimu.
She could be an adulthood Gyaru idol or a Gyaru JAV actress. I am also thinking about the setting.
The above sample still looks like an illustration. I would like to make the final product more realistic.
I would like to decide her name and other details and have her debut by the end of April. Of course first priority is Rimu's main project, so I have not started her project yet.

Nevertheless, hentai illustrations are always good!
For this original Gyaru character, I am working on both an ultra realistic version and a 2D version. For double the fun!

Masked MILF!
I am seeking a character with an even more voluptuous and meaty belly than the Masked MILF boss I showed you in March.
I may show her pinups during April.
A mini CG collection with dialogues would be fascinating, but there's a good chance I won't have enough time for that...

I am also continuing the Ebony Adulthood Teens in Onsen project in a small way.
This is a prototype of the second character. I want to give her good dreadlocks and a ponytail.
I may not be able to show new results by the end of April, but I have included a sample to let you know that this project is still alive.

And Rimu-Chan!
There are many images of Rimu that were not used in the main story, so I thought it might be a good idea to share some of my favorites with you as pinups....
I would like to make it a bonus content as long as it does not affect the production of the main comic.

Did you find any content or favorite fetishes that caught your attention?
I feel that being able to try out different themes like this while still focusing on the main project fits very well with Rebis' floating nature of creation.
I would like to continue to improve both the quality and productivity of my work.
Please look forward to working with us next month and beyond!

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