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Pux profile
Sweet buttered biscuits, thank ya for taking a peak at my page! My name is Pux and I draw fictional, fantasy, cub lewds! You'll get artwork and comics early, plus in-progress drawings and voting in polls! Thank ya from the bottoms of my toes to the tip of my nose! ❤️ ❤️ 🌺 🌺

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PLEASE, BE AWARE: due to an extremely high volume of recently submitted profiles, the approval will take longer than usual. After this page is approved, you will be able to subscribe as usual. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Subscription Tiers

per month
Just The Tip

Every lil' tip helps!

0 subscribers
per month
A Little More...

That's so kind of you! Please enjoy early artwork and comics! In-progress art! And this really big hug!

0 subscribers
per month
The Sweet Spot

Oh goshness! Please enjoy early artwork and comics! In-progress art! Voting in polls! And this really big hug!

0 subscribers
per month

You're all the way in! Please enjoy early artwork and comics! In-progress art! Voting in polls! And this really big hug!

0 subscribers


  • You'll have a fun, positive, and uplifting experience from me! There'll be polls, in-progress drawings, and artwork shown to you before anywhere else! Hot dogs an' wieners! =D
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