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PSMP3D profile
Welcome to PSMP3D. Our (in fictional universe) company monitors and records the activities of all SuperHeroines that keep appearing in this world. The purpose of our work is not very clear but we assume that we keep records and tabs on all SuperHeroines activities in order for our company to produce material based on them. Choose one of the tiers to engage in one of our open positions in this company, and welcome!
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Títulos de Assinatura


Welcome to Intern Tier. This tier will give you access to:

  • Character Profiles (free)
  • Lore Bits (free)

Thank you for your support!

31 assinantes SubStar Intern
USD mensal

Welcome to VIP Tier. This tier will give you access to:

  • Main Comics; All the main story lines told issue by issue.
  • Side Comics; Short supplementary stories that enhance the main story lines further.
  • Pinups

Thank you for your support!

10 assinantes SubStar VIP
USD mensal

Welcome to Executive Tier. This tier will give you access to:

  • VIP rewards (Main Comics, Side Comics and Pinups)
  • Mini Comics (Short canon and non canon stories that you have the influence to direct with the medium of a poll voting system)

Thank you for your Support!

12 assinantes SubStar EXEC
USD mensal
Board Member

Welcome to Board Member Tier. This tier will give you access to:

  • EVERYTHING! Literally everything of the lower tiers.
  • Privilege to heavily influence the poll character for voting, you are able to choose 2 character to add to the poll
  • Inside the poll voting system, your vote has more 'weight' in comparison to the other tiers. Thank you for your support!
8 assinantes SubStar Board Member

Bem vinda

  • Adult 3D comics and stories - SuperHero themed
  • 3D Pinups

Displaying posts with tag CommissionRenders.Reset Filter

Chel from Road to El Dorado - Commission Renders

Comentários (3)
Não gosto(0)
Este post pertence a um $5, $10, $15 nível bloqueado.s
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(OC)A mother and BBC - Commission Renders

Comentários (1)
Não gosto(0)
Este post pertence a um $5, $10, $15 nível bloqueado.s
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Kiriko from Overwatch 2 - Commission Renders

Comentários (3)
Não gosto(0)
Este post pertence a um $5, $10, $15 nível bloqueado.s
Desbloquear Nível

A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.


57 assinantes
260 publicação


My first goal, A bit ambitious from what I stand now but it's something that I want to make happen, mostly for my dear friend and comics making partner. With this goal met I've be able to give him a fair share of the earnings as he deserves it for making a lot happen for us. Thank you!
A new height. This should really help me keep myself afloat while being a Software Engineering student.

Outras Creators


A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.
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