FAQ. I joined the subscribestar (or upgraded my tier) but I don't have access to the cheat.

You need to download the file in your tier.  You don't need to download the whole game again but to download the update-only and paste it over your original game folder as instructed in the file-link posts.

For example, let's assume you have a Regular tier v1.6 game and you've just upgraded your tier to Advanced tier. In order to upgrade to Advanced tier v1.6, you just need to download the update-only file in v1.6 Advanced tier file link post and apply them as instructed.

Bug Report.

In case, you face a bug in the game or need a help, you can leave a message in this page but it'd help a lot (and it's more likely to be seen sooner) if you use our discord channel.

Discord Channel link: https://discord.gg/Hbxu8ycMmM

When you want to let us know of a bug in the game, you can submit them in bug-report channel under Game category.

If you need a help or have a question, you can write them in help-question under Patrons category.

How to present your opinion!

And, last but not least, if you have a suggestion or something you'd like to discuss about the game, you can use suggestions channel under both Patrons and Game category.

In suggestions channel under Game category, you may freely discuss or share your ideas on this game in general.

In suggestions under Patrons category, you can also suggest specific characters to the game and the messages in this channel will be discussed in our team with more weight.