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Princess In Yellow
Princess In Yellow
Drawings, either of lewd shortstacks or surreal monsters.
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Princess In Yellow
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Syrmalla is sometimes called the City of Flowers, and is known for the nearly unrestrained eroticism as well as the prevalence of magic.

I’ve been working on this setting for quite a while now, probably at least a year. It’s my lewd TTRPG setting, and it’s just one city. Though there is mention of other lands and kingdoms, the focus is intended to be the one city, so that it can be used in other settings or fleshed out as players wish, with as little difficulty as possible.
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$26 of $300
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This would allow me to cover a part of rent, which would hopefully let me focus full time on art!
$26 of $1,000
per month
My dream goal, I'd be able to live off art alone! It almost feels like an impossible fantasy, but maybe someday.

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