Andromeda 0.5 Part 2 Briefing 3

Welcome back crew, it's time for another briefing, though now I realize it technically these should be called debriefings since they happen after the fact, maybe I'll correct that when I start releasing some for 0.6. Getting this out fairly late in the month. Been very busy with work especially here at the end of the month so haven't really had time to set aside for working on this, but I want to get it out before my calendar ticks over to July.

As noted last time, the script for 0.5 Part 2 was mostly done, so this wasn't exactly a very productive month when it came to script work. With only 33 lines of code done, averaging 1.10/day being needed to wrap up the update, didn't end up spending any time working on the 0.6 script. The update could have been longer if I added some other scenes, but I decided those don't really need to be included as part of 0.5 and will work just fine being in 0.6. Of course since less work was done to wrap up the script this resulted in a -95% decrease for both the total lines and average lines per day.

As for renders, which was most of what was done this month, I managed to complete 56 renders, granted a few were done last month but completed after the briefing was posted so I counted them in this month. Compared to last month, that was only an 8% increase in renders, but that does indicate to me that I should probably expect to be able to do 50-60 renders a month, when not doing animations (I think I mentioned it before, but I count the individual frames because I have Daz render as frame animation instead of as video), especially when work is focused on renders.

That is actually good news though in my opinion because it helps me to be able to plan better how I break down updates going forward as I try to get into a 3-4 month release pattern, of course more then 2 data points would be more accurate but that is what I have right now. Now how many renders still need to be done in July to get part 2 out? Well like last time, I can't give a 100% accurate value for that because some renders will likely be reused, but to give an idea, according to a Ctrl + F for the word placeholder in VS Code, I am looking at around 46 needing to be done.

Edit: Forgot to update my script to replace the placeholders for the last batch of renders I completed. So their are actually only about 34 images to render.