Download Lustfall TODAY on itchio!

Lustfall is an RPG (like old school Final Fantasy) that follows the adventure of a black haired woman named Gwendolyn who suddenly finds herself in a world rapidly becoming obsessed with sex and debauchery. She must resist giving into the tempting sexual fantasies thrust upon her and her allies by monsters, enemies and other bad actors long enough to discover what caused this new, global obsession of pleasure and how to reverse the effects before the world collapses into an unsustainable orgy that will inevitably lead to the end of human existence!

Enemies aren't as violent as they are in other games. Instead, they use their mastery over different elements of perverse Lust Magic to fill our heroines' heads with wonderfully erotic sexual fantasies! These fantasies erode the heroines ability to fight and will eventually cause them to willingly give into whatever their new master or mistress wishes.

This appears in the form of highly erotic and beautifully illustrated Battle Cards. These cards showcase the relative strength of the card and possible Side Effects that may linger on the lucky target like being blindfolded or covered in sensual slime.

Lustfall is in active development and will end up being about 20-25 hours long once completed! Woah! Most of the artwork is commissioned from talented artists all across the world!

Lustfall is free to download, so help keep it that way by subscribing TODAY! We're already the majority of the way through the game, with multiple bonus dungeons designed by the most generous of fans, and totaling around 20 hours minimum for a first time play.