NEWS UPDATE: Game Progress

Good morning/afternoon/evening to you all!
First, I want to apologize to you all for the update taking a lot longer than I anticipated. I was hoping to have it out by New Years, but... well, it's February. Nevertheless, I am continuing to put in as much time and effort to be able to give you guys an enjoyable experience!
Currently, as some of you may already know... I've wrapped up Phase I of development, which is Rendering. Phase II (Scripting) is underway, which hopefully and theoretically, shouldn't take nearly as long as Phase I. Once Phase II is complete, I will finally be able to move to Phase III, or Playtesting, in which I should finally provide solid release dates for all Tiers and the eventual Public. As for the game itself, it think it's safe to say it may be the biggest release yet, just for the two Final Sections of Chapter III! Just to put that into perspective... Section 17's Render size is bigger than the entirety of Chapter II... just one Section alone! I'm more afraid of putting out another goal that I may or may not reach, but....... I'm hoping to be done within a month or two.
If you haven't already, I strongly recommend you joining the Discord, as I'm heavily active on there. I will try to be more active outside the server, but if you would like to keep up-to-date with possible news or just wanna discuss with the people already there, it's highly recommended to join!
From you humbled developer,
13th Sin Games

P.S.: Currently in talks of a possible... demo... to be released. This would include all the new UI features and such, minor fixes, etc... and......... a small portion of Section 17! For now, enjoy some more game teases of... some new faces...