Battletits [0.19193]

Added face, eyes, pupils, irises, sclera, eye highlights, eyebrows, mouth, all colorable.
Variants/switching of ((ETC)) down the line.
At the moment Eyeliner/Eye Outlines are exclusive with eachother, and for the time being Eye Outlines IS Eyeliner, etc.

I want to add functioning breasts next -- and usable lips + hair..
Just make it so that the player has something to DO with the character they create..
Also, further integration of all available systems, but for now Hair and Boobs will take priority for me going forward, I believe that those two are necessary steps to take before plunging into the depths of depravity ;)

And just generally expand upon and develop further from what I've already incorporated.

Revamping/ensuring the Custom Color Picker and Regular Color Picker work in tandem for this update was definitely the longest and most arduous part and took the longest amount of time -- I also had to overhaul them both slightly behind the scenes which was probably the longest part, so from here hopefully things are more happy sailing, but honestly who can say, just gotta take it as it comes!

Changelog 0.19193

- Added an actual Face -- eyes, (consisting of Pupils, iris', scleras, eye Highlights) nose, mouth, etc -- all of which can be colored
- Custom Color Picker now indicates what Color is currently selected in a text based banner
- selecting a color on the color picker will now correspond with it's identical counterpart on the custom color picker (skin switches to skin, eye to eye, etc)

See ya for the next round!