What the heck is movie night?!

Update: I'm going to start making extended reviews of the movies I watch, kind of like I already do with manga, anime, and video games. These extended reviews will only be viewable by Patreon members. The ones I rip from old social media posts, which I won't add anything to, will still be free for everyone. ☺

Every once in a while (usually about every other week or so), I snatch someone up and force them to watch a movie with me. I usually post about this on social media. Still, some of you may miss these posts or not follow me (😳😡), so I decided to make a dedicated section on my Subscribestar.Adult as well. None of my reviews are going to be long, but since several people seem to care what I think about movies, I figured why the hell not?
To start, I’ll be combing through my social media and reposting old movie reviews here (leaving the text as-is), and when I watch new movies (with extended reviews available only to you Subscribestar.Adult types), I’ll post them as well.
Let me know if you agree with me or not!