Sky's the Limit

"Aranea stole your heart as soon as you crossed swords. Sure, the airborne mercenary was literally trying to take your heart too, but that didn't seem to dampen the giddy feeling in your chest or the fire in your crotch. How far should you take this sexual romance with her?"

Animation by Lazy Procrastinator and soundwork by Luriam.

A bit of a family emergency today, as our not-so-little, not-so-young furbaby tore her stitches around her eye after a minor surgery. Keeping this short.

I had to re-render it twice, and the visual glitch was still there. Not sure what's causing it. I know some of you WILL notice, SINCE I did. I apologize. I tried to fix it, and I still don't get it.

Besides that, I love this animation so much. Aranea is badass, and I love her to death. Maybe if someone requests a remaster we can do an armorless version down the road, although I really like the appeal of the armor here. It just makes sense.
