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Lazy Procrastinator profile
Lazy Procrastinator
Lazy Procrastinator
Hey, I'm LazyProcrastinator, a lazy guy who does lazy 3D animations with Blender. I'll do just about any character if I feel like it, but I primarily work with Final Fantasy and Dead or Alive. Pixiv: For the record, I only have accounts here, pixiv, pixiv Fanbox, porn3dx, and a mostly inactive rule34 account. Any other site, it's not me unless I state otherwise here, along side those listed sites.
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  • Right now, there isn't a lot of benefit to supporting me. My content will still be posted publicly at my pixiv in addition to here. That said, I'll try to update supporters weekly with previews/teasers/updates, as well as generally more ramblings.
  • I will also see about holding polls that supporters can vote on to get an animation that is separate from my normal releases.
  • I'll be holding these polls every other week, so a total of two per month.

Lazy Procrastinator

Poll Animations Released + New Poll

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Lazy Procrastinator
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Commander - The Movie

gofile -

I probably put too much effort into this particular release for no real reason other than I got infected with the idea and went a little ham. The sad part is that I'm not super happy with how it turned out compared to some other things in recent memory. It's not bad, just didn't turn out quite as I would have liked. Such is the life of a creator, sometimes. Despite my own personal feelings on it, it is a big one that goes a little nutty, so I hope you all like it.

Regardless, the next few releases won't be this big. Doing big projects is fun for a while, then it gets tiring once the motivation starts to wane. So I'm gonna do some smaller one-off stuff, which should mean the next release won't be a month from now, but we'll see. I am also having some problems with a tooth/filling and the gums around it that may need a dentist visit(ideally not, as I don't want to go to a dentist right now lol), so if that does happen, things may get a bit delayed. May make a post about it if it does happen, but for now I'm hoping things will improve and that I won't have to be subjected to what amounts to torture in the name of good health. At least for a while longer, lol.

Tomorrow the next poll will go live. It'll be the Final Fantasy loser poll I showed off last time. Curious how that one will go. And of course the Fiorayne animations too.
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Lazy Procrastinator
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Poll Results

gofile -

The results are in, and it went more or less how I expected.

People love Monster Hunter, so I expected Fiorayne to win by a pretty large margin. Blue Mary put up a respectable competition, so that could be a bellweather for the loser poll. Speaking of, the next three polls will be loser polls. These will be the order and characters available.

This one isn't a question of who will lose, let's be real here. The question is who will 'win'.

I can make an educated guess who will lose here, as well. Just gotta see who will 'win'.

This one I don't really have an idea who will lose or who will win. But there will probably be salt one way or the other. Remember to stay hydrated.

Anyway, no new post this weekend, but it should go live next weekend. Getting close to being done with the next set, and I may have gone a bit too far in a couple of places. Until then.
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Lazy Procrastinator

Poll Animations Released + New Poll

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Lazy Procrastinator
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Poll Results

gofile -

The results are in.

The winner is as I expected. Kokopuff is naturally the most popular of these three, since before the Remake gave us a proper model, Kokoro was often used as a Tifa stand-in. And we all know how popular Tifa is. The only other thing is that I'm surprised about is that Christie managed to eek out Leifang, but I'm willing to bet if it was a head-to-head, a lot of the people who voted Kokoro would vote Leifang rather than Christie. Presumably, anyway. Regardless, while it won't be happening just yet, starting next month will be a series of Loser polls. First FF, then Misc, then DOA. Sayuri, Nagisa, Leifang, and Christie will be going head to head to see who the ultimate loser is of the four.
I did briefly considered switching things up somewhat. Namely having two separate votes, where the 2nd placers in the original poll go up against each other, and then the 3rd placers in the original poll go up against each other, but that's more effort so I'll just be going for the same format as last time.1st gets two animations, 2nd and 3rd get one animation, and 4th gets nothing. Anyway, until next time.
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Lazy Procrastinator
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A Rambling Rambly Ramble

This is gonna be a meandering ramble, since I originally wanted to talk about composition. Namely, composition of a shot, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I had little to say. I don't really think about the composition of a shot, I just picture an image in my head that looks nice and try to match it. I never think about the rule of thirds, or the golden ratio, or any of that stuff that I see some people talk about when talking about composition. My composition rules basically are as follows.
Does it look good? If yes, move on. If no, fuck around with the camera/pose/lights until it looks good. I never turn on the composition guides in Blender, because those things confuse me more than anything. So yeah, I've got no real advice. And I'm not particularly great at composition to begin with. It's just something that happens.

As for another topic, this one will be a bit more 'serious' as it pertains to what happened earlier in the year. I'm not gonna divulge what happened, but I will go ahead and say that I am doing quite a bit better now. Been feeling more like normal, albeit not 100%. Doubt I'll ever be 100% again, or rather I doubt I was ever at 100% to begin with. Just my previous 100% is no longer my current 100%. Which is just to be expected as the cruel fate of time wears down on all of us. But I digress. I'm not here to get doom and gloom or anything like that, just to bring it up for anyone curious, and to kind of lay out my general sort of plan going forward.

I had, more or less, stuck to a bi-weekly release schedule for two+ years. I initially did it as a means of seeing if I could. Up to that point, I just kind uploaded stuff whenever. Some of it was super packed together, other stuff had long gaps, but there wasn't really any consistency. So I tried to make some consistency. Took some breaks here and there, did some wacky things elsewhere(the Anniversary Project was just a year ago, after all), but I had a fairly consistent output of at least something every other week. It was one of those 'object in motion, stays in motion' sort of thing, where the momentum kept me going. But that did break early this year. I had a lot of projects I planned to work on that are, currently, on hiatus. I teased some of them, and for a while I was really trying to continue them... but I've officially put them on the backburner for now. Having them looming over me when I no longer felt like working on them was just stressing me out on top of an already shitty time. But, around when I started working on Yukari, I basically just decided to just work on what I feel like working on. Previously revealed projects, characters I tend to work on routinely, frequently requested characters, teases, or whatever are just put aside and I'll work on whatever I feel like working on in the moment.

I imagine that will be disappointing for people who were looking forward to those projects and I do apologize for that, but for the 'current me', that feels like the best course of action. None of them are 'scrapped' or cancelled or anything like that. Just set aside while I focus on what I feel like working on in the moment. But sometimes my motivation dries up for a while, so to go back to the bi-weekly thing, I'm gonna keep things kind of loosey-goosey going forward. It may still happen where a release drops two weeks after the prior, but my aim will be 'next release within 2-4 weeks' as opposed to a hard 2-weeks. And polls will remain unaffected by that. It's just my normally scheduled releases that will slow down some, depending on the set and what not. At least until I can build up momentum again. But my hope for putting some things off for a little longer will be a bump in quality. People seemed to really like the Y'shtola, Yukari and Momiji stuff, which were things I worked on without worrying about WHEN they'd release, and that I was really excited to work on. The end result was me going the extra mile for them in some regard, since that 'looming date' wasn't there to pester me. And admittedly they aren't perfect all the way through, but they're overall a higher quality than some of my older bi-weekly sets I feel. Will this be a permanent change? Probably not. I am a fickle person, so my feelings could change the moment I post this. But it's something I've been thinking about for the past month, so I figure it's time to 'officially announce' it. Don't worry about me, though - I'm doing okay. Not perfect, obviously. This has been a shitty year in general for me, but I'm living. Still trying to get things into balance that got thrown out of balance, but I'm making progress bit-by-bit and doing a lot better than I was months ago.

But let's get off the serious talk and talk about something not serious. It's been a while since I showed off any random 'OCs' I made, since I haven't actually made any for a while. Tig ol' Biddies was the last one I really made. But I got into a spree of it recently. So why not show some levity with my crappy OCs.

The first one is the one I've got in my profile picture(which I will forever want to call avatar). Lot of people mentioned Lili in relation to the profile picture, and that's because it is her hair. I just borrowed it since hime-cuts are top tier. No name for this character, much like ToB. Just a random cosplayer/goth lolita. Took a bunch of parts from various characters to make the outfit... though a lot of it is DOA based. Surprisingly, the face isn't Aerith, who is usually my go-to face for making one of these. This is Luna, who I can no longer see in there. I am using Gentiana's face textures for part of the face, so I do see a little of her in there, and the hair doesn't help in that regard. But Luna? Can't see it.

This one is sort of based on an old modded Skyrim character I made in like 2013. Isn't exactly the same, as that character had messier hair, but there was some sort of leather outfit along these lines going on. It's been over a decade, so my memory is fuzzy, mods that old are hard to find at this point, and I don't think I backed them up. But in the end, my tastes haven't changed that much. This one does have a name from back in the day, but I forget it. I'm sure I have it written down somewhere, but I'm too lazy to look. I kind of want to do something with this one, but not just yet. Got other ideas I plan to work on first. And yes, that's Aerith's face.

This is just a Gaggle of Gyaru. I did these after the Yukino poll animations, since I have talked shit about Yukino for being a generic gyaru, so I decided to put my money where my mouth is. They're not amazing gyaru, but they're okay for ten-fifteen minutes worth of work. (´-ω-`) And yes, the two on the left are Aerith. Right most is actually Kyrie(FF7 Kyrie).

I've shown off the cat(otherwise known as Menat-ripoff) on the left before, but now I've made a guard cat. She big. Like as tall as the male model I use. She could crush you pretty easily. If she wanted to, anyway. Also not Aerith, surprisingly. I'll let you guess this one. (´-ω-`)

This one was just for something different. Was originally gonna go for a swashbuckler style, but a proper attire for that was annoying. Instead, it's kind of a private dick sort of outfit I guess. Just a random idea, kind of cool but not too special.

And this is actually an old OC of mine. From like 2020, but I never showed her off. She's OldC, since she's old in terms of being an older woman and being an old OC of mine. (´-ω-`) Also not Aerith, but a Yakuza character. I'd also like to do something with her, but because she's old it'd probably do poorly. Such is life. (´-ω-`)

I've got some others, but they're less interesting or even more half-assed. But that's about all I'll be showing off at this point. Got my next project lined up, and starting work on that. No clue when it'll drop, but ideally this month. Don't want to work on it too long. And of course, the poll results will drop this weekend, and the animations themselves the weekend after. Until next time.
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