Bimonthly Update, May 21, 2022

Hello My Friends
I’m starting to get back on track, but life keeps getting in the way. Events are going on that are taking up my time. 
Yesterday I was moving along trying to get something done when I was reminded that I needed to get to work. Really cuts into the flow. I kind of forgot how to deal with actually having a job.
The good news is that I am making progress. Slow progress but progress nonetheless. My stress levels about our finances are lower than they were. Not gone, but lower.

Big Scene
From the beginning I had the idea for a scene I knew would take some work. Mostly due to the landscape. But I decided to wait until I needed it expecting, or at least hoping, that my skills would improve by the time I needed it. Mostly because I thought I could get it done quicker. 
Well, I did create the landscape. Took some work, but I do believe I did it quicker than if I did it at the beginning of the project. I still need to create the scenes, but I believe the landscape is ready.
This scene will be in the next update. Hopefully it won’t be the only thing in the next update.

Tweaked Characters
Tweaked Mary Ann… yet again. (I can’t seem to help myself.)
Very Minor tweak for The Skipper.
I intend on taking another look at Ginger.
I attempt to limit my time on these tweaks. I spent a day on Mary Ann, and about an hour on The Skipper. So, if I look at Ginger, I will only spend a day on her. And as always, I compare the tweaks to the previous look to see if I actually improved things. But the changes are becoming more subtle.

Final Thoughts
My slowdown should only affect this release. It is taking a little more for me to get used to this new paradigm, but I am adjusting.
 Next Update: June 4th

As always, enjoy life.