Christmas Eva MZ and the future of Missy!

That's the most covered up you'll ever see any of them.

Hello everyone!  This week's public post is a very important one.  You may have noticed over the last 2 weeks that I didn't have much to tell you.  That is because behind the scenes, discussions and a supporter poll were ongoing, and I can now reveal the outcome of those to the world.
Missy MZ
As those of you familiar with RPG Maker will be aware, Missy is built on an older version of the engine called VX Ace.  The game is now going to be migrated in its entirety to the new engine.  My supporters voted for this by an overwhelming majority, having seen the stuff I am going to show you below and decided that its worth it!
Worth what?
Converting the game isn't going to be a small job.  MZ uses a completely different programming language and different size images, all of which will need to be re-done or modified, which will unfortunately add at least a month to the development time of 0.5.  That and the fact that you won't be able to keep your saves are the only bad news though, the rest is all good!
So what will change?
Firstly, the game will play much better.  MZ will give everything a new more modern look and feel and has a number of quality of life improvements over VX Ace.  You will now be able to play the game with your mouse!  It also features support for Mac users and can (in theory) be used to make an Android version, though this has proven shockingly hard to accomplish so far.
The whole thing will be much more future-proof, as working with the current version of RPGM will allow me to benefit from ongoing development in the plugin community among other advantages.
The sprites are one of the things that will need to be re-done as they're a bigger size, but I think Missy and her friends look even cuter than their previous incarnations!
The image sizes will also increase on the new engine.  Take a look at how much bigger and clearer things are!
"But wait!" Do I hear you say?  "That's not Missy, that's from the Christmas special!"
Christmas Eva MZ
Yeah, I already did Eva MZ!  This was made as my proof of concept, both to my supporters, so they could see the benefits and vote accordingly, but also to show myself that I could do it and how much work it would take to do so.  Today is the public release, so you can download it now!
This will make 0.5 the biggest update yet in terms of work.  But between that and the new Reign of Jess story, I'm confident that it will be worth the wait.  There will of course be regular updates on my progress.  Stay tuned, as the next big announcement may be closer than you think!