Nightly_ Build Patchnotes: FeralIsland_v0.15.186
FeralIsland_v0.15.186 was added to the nightly_builds folder. You can download it instantly with the FERAL Tester reward tier: Link

Finished integrating the dynamic pen* system to FeralIsland. You can check it out in the gallery. This system works in VR & normal mode.

Special credits to raliv for creating this awesome shader!

- You can now rub the dewclaws of the Felkin front paws in the gallery. 
- Added smarter guided toys. They now align to different orifices of the female Felkin based on the distance.

- In normal mode the toys now react again to drag, hand and mouse movement. This was removed in earlier versions, because of some physical glitches that are solved now. 
- Turntable axis rotation in normal mode has now the same speed as in VR-mode. 
- You can no longer place toys when you are in hip-snap mode.

- Fixed a bug in which petting a Felkin would not excite the creature. 
- Fixed a bug in which the left thigh of the male Felkin would not respond to rubbing. 
- Fixed a bug in which the feathery textures of the raptor model was missing in the gallery. 
- Fixed a couple of position and clipping plane issues with PoV mode. 
- Fixed a bug in which a loading screen was not visible in normal mode. 
- Fixed a bug with imported mesh settings.