Friday Post #51 - Jingly balls

The year is winding to a close, but we are still trying to get things done.
Date Night
The system is slowly coming together, our main programmer for this joint had a few days of rest due to some sickness, he should be back at it this week though. As for other work, we are building our bible still of needed poses and such, it’s a slow process to make sure things are smooth and look great. Once this work is done, it will be a lot less taxing to make new content for the template.
The work on the final set of models for the unique minions is basically in the final stretch. We now have 5 unique models for the fire arena, the water arena, the beastmaster arena, the earth arena, and the final succubus arena. We also have completed the boss themes for the OST as well they won’t be added to the game for a bit longer though, it takes a bit to work all that into game tracks.
Under Contract
Smoothing over the UI change over and implementing some new lockit changes we are getting something together that is quite nice to look at and enjoy. We are still missing a lot of the art, but that will always take time. As for now we turn our attention to making a smaller more piecemeal offering of the game to put up as a demo of sorts, I know a lot of you have not seen much of the game, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you all have no idea what this game is even like. You will know very soon.
Wet Nightmares
Christmas is slowing a lot of things down as you might expect, I hope we can find the time to get something out this month but being it is that time of year, let’s wait and see. I personally think we can make something happen but it all depends on our programming staff.
Ready for another week!
Stay moist homies!