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Kinky Fridays
Kinky Fridays
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Kinky Fridays
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Friday Post #53

Howdy howdy friends! Like I mentioned in a previous post, my time and schedule have well and truly been thrown off and outta wack. Babies do that to you, so, yeah future warning for anyone going to do that whole “raising a human” thing. Time goes bye-bye. I want to keep you all informed about our developments, what new things we are working on, and such, but I won’t commit too much to a schedule. That is just impossible for me. So I will say that every time I find a free moment, expect a blog post about our wheelings and dealings.
Just know that we are a small team with a lot of projects being worked on, and for the next couple of months, I have combined the forces of our devs to make some quick projects. So if the development blogs here seem a little lacking or your favorite game isn’t featured it is simply because the team is working on tech for that game by building another title. Okay, let's go!
Under Contract
This is the major next release that we are focusing on, the internal development of this game has been going smoothly, and currently, we are on version 1.7.0 as an internal build with weekly sprints and build reviews. Our goal, for the time being, is to get a demo polished and ready with examples of our future mechanics and content within the game. 
We have also made the pivot to move over to 3D character assets and Gem assets, this is going to take a little bit to get everything ready but the process is starting to turn out really nice. Here is the breakdown of current content production for the public demo release in a month or so:

Narrative: 95%
Backgrounds: 70%
Cutscene mechanics: 80%
Gameplay mechanics: 70%
Gameplay assets: 90%
Character (3D) assets: 30%
Music: 90%
Sound Effects: 40%
This week's sprint was focused on an overhaul of the in-game powerups and currency system. Originally we wanted the player to go from level to level collecting or grinding out money to spend on upgrades for their powers, but the longer we played the less exciting the system became. Now we are opting for a semi-exploration system coupled with a new “mana” gem to power the new weapon. 
Along with this, we are experimenting with a system for having a companion follow you around and offer assistance in the puzzles and combat, previously we had two buttons allowing for two types of powerups to be used, but our testing proved that to be a little too overwhelming for most players to remember. Now we will have our “Blaster” weapon on the “A” button and the companion ability on the “B” button. For the time being the blaster is another way of destroying blocks on your side of the board, while the companion ability has yet to be decided. We are considering making it affect either the player's board, the enemy's board, or the game space in general.

This week we are looking to finish up the Bathhouse area of the game, however, we have run into an issue with how our music system is currently built. So for each area, we have exploration music which is a somewhat calm tune for navigating around the level, then when the player enters combat more instruments are layered on top, like drums, guitar, bass guitar, choir singers, etc. The issue is coming from when new rooms are loading in, there can be a slight period of time when the command comes down to layer the music that it layers it twice or its off-beat or something of that nature. Trying to diagnose the issue is taking a bit longer, and since it is music it is affecting the entire project.
In terms of new content for the game, we have recently finished the music tracks for the Menagerie-themed levels, and with that will start building out the levels and creating the combat abilities for the 5 new minions within that area. Following that we have just the succubus area left for music and theme, then the foundation of the game will be in place, and our focus can move over to building a tone of items and narrative content/unlocks.
Tower Girls
All aboard the hype train! Choo choo! Yeah, this game is radical A F. We are having an absolute blast building the game and all her mechanics together, it is by far the fastest implementation of a game mechanic and systems I have ever had the privilege of being a part of. Let me elaborate…cos you know, I like doing that.
First, in this game, we are designing her to be done quickly but also be challenging and replayable. Also making new content drops (if people really like the game) is easy to add. The core of it is a simple tower defense where you place unique female fighters to act as towers, while you scan the landscape for props to build the walls and the maze the enemies will need to progress through before they can reach their goal.
Zambies drop coins, you use coins in the shop to hire fighters, upgrade your weapons, purchase tools, and purchase props from the world to build your defenses. You can purchase any of the environment props to build your walls, you can rotate, flip and stack the props however you like. In the full version the game will combine the health of the props added to the bottom prop, and as damage is applied props from the top will be destroyed.

Currently, the zombies just bash into anything blocking their path but we are designing an elaborate pathing system that will diverge as you block it up, meaning you can change the flow of zambies by placing props and building walls. Then you stack your Tower Girls in that path, on top of, behind, and in front of the walls you place.

Currently, our art staff is focused on Under Contract models (since we have our upcoming Kickstarter) but we do have a few characters already created for the game. The first one we can show is the Tower Girl known as Gamer Girl.
She will be using a Rocket Launcher as her main weapon, I hope you’ll have enough ammo to feed her since her APM is obviously super high. Anyways Tower Girls is coming along at a great pace, we will hopefully have something for everyone to play like an MVP sometime in early April this year.
Wet Nightmares
This will be a quick one, our focus right now is all on the porting process. We are moving Wet Nightmares from VNMaker to Renpy and the process is quite involved. Demonheart Studios has spent a very long time polishing and refining the aesthetics, vibe, and feel of the game and our porting process right now is strictly functionality. Getting it exactly to 1:1 will take a little bit of time, but I am happy to report that we are about 75% done with the porting process for Chapter 1. I hope to have a more detailed report for you soon!
And damn, that was a long post. But hey, this Friday we will have something very special for our $10 tier, a nice little tease for the upcoming Date Night game. The Friday Lewds will continue going forward so keep your subscription hot, and your pants off!
Be sure to check that out when it drops!
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Kinky Fridays
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A quick update

Hello everyone, quick update. I wanted to apologize for the lack of content at the start of 2022, currently I am having my first kid, so my work has been put on hold while the baby comes into the world. Sometime next week we can start getting back on schedule. Thank you for understanding!

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Kinky Fridays
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2022: a new way to post on Fridays!

The 2022’s are upon us. This new year means a new format for the Friday Posts. Previously we did a weekly post with a short breakdown of the status of our in-development games, it gave me a lot of freedom to just quickly give everyone an insight into our works and how it’s all coming together. Buuuuuttt….

It was not very informative.


So that will change for this year, instead, I wanna chat about more specific details, I want to elaborate on new updates, new tech, new content for each game in turn. So, each week I will do a deeper dive into what we are working on, one game at a time. So one week will be Elewder, the second-week Wet Nightmares, etc.

On top of this, I want to address one more aspect that we have been particularly weak on, which is giving everyone access to unique porn made from our games, during development. At least two Fridays of a month I will be posting content specifically around our marketing for users of the $10 support tier. More bang for the buck!

I am currently playing catchup with our December builds right now so this new content rollout will start next week.

Hope you all will enjoy 2022 as we will!

Your pals,
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Kinky Fridays
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Friday Post #52 - 2021 coup de grâce

Alright the final week of 21, we made it! Woo! I hope you all have a safe end-of-the-year celebration, and our 22 will be very very good. I can feel it in my bones. Expect this week’s report to be a little on the light side due to Christmas and all that.
Date Night
Final preparations are going into the first internal build of the new systems, after that, we will have more to talk about. However, I wanted to chat about our inclusion of the Inkel product Ink. This is going to be the driving force behind our conversation systems in the game, with this system we can track a lot of unnecessary statistics about the interactions in the game, how you treat NPC’s, and how they should reflect that respect back to the player. Naturally, it means a lot more text and vocals to be written, but ideally, it means a more natural conversation. Not that we will go that deep with Date Night, but the system is capable of it.
The first batch of rooms and minion testing for the Egyptian-themed area is done, the game is feeling really nice with the new minions in place but there is a lot of little mingling things that I am not happy with that will need addressing before we can launch the patch. However, we have taken the opportunity to build out the remaining playable character models we need for the game. The ugly bastard merchant, the femboy alchemist, and the traitor succubi. We will continue to work away at the build to make sure it is perfected, we won’t make the same mistakes we have with releasing too early.
Under Contract
UI has been fully implemented into the game now, along with making a few flow changes and additions to the base project. As it stands now, we have a very focused idea on what the first release of the game will look like, a small area of the first level and one character to work towards the hug scene with. In total, we have 13 cuddlable characters in the game but art always takes time.
Wet Nightmares
I know a build was promised for this month, but as it is, things take a little longer to get through. Erkerut is making great strides with the narrative of the following chapters, once we get builds flowing it should be much easier to get things out on time. Sorry for the wait.
Ready for another week!
Stay moist homies!
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Kinky Fridays
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Friday Post #51 - Jingly balls

The year is winding to a close, but we are still trying to get things done.
Date Night
The system is slowly coming together, our main programmer for this joint had a few days of rest due to some sickness, he should be back at it this week though. As for other work, we are building our bible still of needed poses and such, it’s a slow process to make sure things are smooth and look great. Once this work is done, it will be a lot less taxing to make new content for the template.
The work on the final set of models for the unique minions is basically in the final stretch. We now have 5 unique models for the fire arena, the water arena, the beastmaster arena, the earth arena, and the final succubus arena. We also have completed the boss themes for the OST as well they won’t be added to the game for a bit longer though, it takes a bit to work all that into game tracks.
Under Contract
Smoothing over the UI change over and implementing some new lockit changes we are getting something together that is quite nice to look at and enjoy. We are still missing a lot of the art, but that will always take time. As for now we turn our attention to making a smaller more piecemeal offering of the game to put up as a demo of sorts, I know a lot of you have not seen much of the game, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you all have no idea what this game is even like. You will know very soon.
Wet Nightmares
Christmas is slowing a lot of things down as you might expect, I hope we can find the time to get something out this month but being it is that time of year, let’s wait and see. I personally think we can make something happen but it all depends on our programming staff.
Ready for another week!
Stay moist homies!
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Kinky Fridays
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Friday Post #50 - Check em!

New team members, new directions, same old scope. December is about halfway done, and we still got a bit left to do this year.
Date Night
With the basics of the new Lipsync system kinda done, the focus was entirely on making sure the animation/modeling bible we are building as a result of this neat little game is up to date. The next steps are around building functionality around a narrative element, for this, we are using Ink by Inkle Studios. It is a very robust narrative production tool that allows for an organic narrative. While this particular game won’t be as deep as it could be, building the systems for the user interacting with the narrative, which also interacts with the world is our aim.
While the programming team is hard at work implementing the first two sets of minions for the new areas along with building new tileset rooms (everything to be replaced) the art team is knocking out the fire area minions, the new five are an Oni with a big hammer she swings around, a blue fire mage, a pelvic laser-shooting demon lass, a flaming hot genie girl, and a hard as a rock, stalagmite shooting lava girl. I hope we can push all the new minions together in one patch, but it will likely need to be spread out so we can be sure we have everything working well together.
Under Contract
The UI is being worked into the game along with making sure that saves are well, saving, and loading. The work for Kelly’s sex scenes is done, along with all her combat art. The next two characters up are Bliss and Tracy. Once we have them all ready and in the engine, we should be good to go for a basic release.
Wet Nightmares
We ran into a backup issue last week with our two developers using mismatched versions of the game, so we are correct that, and hopefully we will be able to push out a release this week that should cover all the new content. We will see though, there is a lot of forward momentum with the overall product but building monthly patches are looking it might be troublesome to do.
Ready for another week!
Stay moist homies!
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