Friday Post #50 - Check em!

New team members, new directions, same old scope. December is about halfway done, and we still got a bit left to do this year.
Date Night
With the basics of the new Lipsync system kinda done, the focus was entirely on making sure the animation/modeling bible we are building as a result of this neat little game is up to date. The next steps are around building functionality around a narrative element, for this, we are using Ink by Inkle Studios. It is a very robust narrative production tool that allows for an organic narrative. While this particular game won’t be as deep as it could be, building the systems for the user interacting with the narrative, which also interacts with the world is our aim.
While the programming team is hard at work implementing the first two sets of minions for the new areas along with building new tileset rooms (everything to be replaced) the art team is knocking out the fire area minions, the new five are an Oni with a big hammer she swings around, a blue fire mage, a pelvic laser-shooting demon lass, a flaming hot genie girl, and a hard as a rock, stalagmite shooting lava girl. I hope we can push all the new minions together in one patch, but it will likely need to be spread out so we can be sure we have everything working well together.
Under Contract
The UI is being worked into the game along with making sure that saves are well, saving, and loading. The work for Kelly’s sex scenes is done, along with all her combat art. The next two characters up are Bliss and Tracy. Once we have them all ready and in the engine, we should be good to go for a basic release.
Wet Nightmares
We ran into a backup issue last week with our two developers using mismatched versions of the game, so we are correct that, and hopefully we will be able to push out a release this week that should cover all the new content. We will see though, there is a lot of forward momentum with the overall product but building monthly patches are looking it might be troublesome to do.
Ready for another week!
Stay moist homies!