Dev Update #114

Post-processing is done. It took way longer than I expected.  Turns out that editing a thousand images, even if you barely spend about three minutes per file on average... Well, that's 50 hours of work.
But it's done.
Tomorrow, I'll start applying corrections and testing the whole thing. There are also a few things I have yet to implement, like the achievements for that episodes and a better textbox.
I hope to start the beta test around next Wednesday.
I'm late on the bonus renders for October and I haven't posted the poll for the next round. I have to postpone all that to November as I try to focus on finishing that update.
I promise I'll make up for this. I'll have all the time I need once V0.6 part 1 will be released.

The quick sum up :
  • Day 6 Part 1 will contain 10 scenes.
  • Scenes 1 to 10 are written.
  • Scenes 1 to 10 are posed and rendered.
  • Scenes 1 to 10 are coded.
  • 50 351 words, 11 249 lines of code, 1060 renders.
  • I'm currently coding scene 10.

You can follow my progress with this Trello board!

Thank you very much for your support!
The Naughty Captain