Supporter Newsletter - Sep, 2021

Hello there, it's time once again to summarize the last month!

  • General Updates:
I haven't been posting any new WIPs lately because I've been mainly focusing on updating / finishing older projects that have been pilling up. However I am keeping track of any ideas I have for future ones on a notepad.
I've been also trying to take it easy and focus a bit more on life and myself as well, being on the internet too much or just working too much isn't exactly doing any good for my mental health. But that being said I'll pick up the pace very soon. 

  • About my Art:
The Suggestions Box and AMAs will now be available directly from my Patreon, Fanbox and SubscribeStar. Previously the Suggestions Box was only a channel on my Discord and you could also send suggestions to me through DMs. But now, I'll make it a little post every month on my platforms, that will be pinned so that is more easily viewable. Same thing goes for AMAs, whenever I run them. To make things easier I might also make these into a Form at some point too, so it'll be easier to send them my way.

  • On other (self-improvement) updates:
I've been trying my best to be a little more active and talkative on my social media, but it's very hard for me since I'm very boring and reclusive (at least I feel like), so forgive me if I just appear to be dead most of the time. :(
I know my art isn't all that good (at least in my own opinion), and I'm also very slow to make them, and since I barely say anything besides in a couple key posts here and there, and when I post an art, it just leaves this immense gap between me and you, the viewer, and that's really bad because my goal is to get closer to everyone, hear feedback and build a community together. 
Come to think of it, maybe this is the cause of my lack of confidence and motivation. The pandemic isn't really doing any wonders for me (or anyone for that matter), an already reclusive prick, so I tend to feel very lonely. And since I'm always so cynical and pessimist I tend to beat myself down a lot...

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get all sad in the end there, I try to not let my personal issues affect my work too much. I just don't usually have anyone to talk about them so sometimes they pile up, but I'll be fine, probably.

  • About Commissions:
I've been thinking about altering my Commissions model. Up to now I've been doing the body sections format (Head Shot, Half Body, Full Body), but I've been considering changing it to a more "effort based" system. What I mean by that is the prices will now reflect the amount of work I'll put into a piece. This will allow me to give a greater variety of price options for anyone who wishes to commission me. Now, don't get wrong, this does not mean I'll put less effort into smaller commissions like Head Shots, Emotes or Avatars, I'll still try to make the best thing possible for that specific piece. What will happen is that basically each commission will now be it's own "beast".
Main types of Commission I'm aiming for: Sketch, Lineart, Emote, Head Shot, Chibi, Base Color / Flat Color, Background Only, Simple Shading, Full Shading. 
If you have any suggestions of other commission types I could add to this, feel free to let me know. 
But regardless, this is all just an idea at the moment, and before I make that decision I wanna hear from you if you think this is worth it? My idea with this is to give a little more for less to everyone, and also more for "full" commissions.
Just like the Suggestions Box, I might also make a Form too, to make it simpler to send me a commissions request, and I'm also looking into creating a Skeb too. I'll let you all know if and when I do.


We haven't achieved any goals just yet but patience is a virtue, as they say! So let's keep going! 
And also, as things go on I might even update or add some new goals as well! 
If you have a suggestion for a goal, feel free to let me know, I'm always listening! Sometimes it's hard to come up with these all on my own. x-x


I wanna give a special Thank You to those that supported me for the month of August.

Brolli Diamondback
Saven van Dorf

Fans (Fanbox):

Thank you very very much, from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate you for enjoying my art, giving me a chance and supporting me!
For those who decide to continue being supporters, I hope you continue to enjoy your stay! Thank you very much for your continuous support! Love ya! ❤︎
For those leaving, for whichever reasons, I hope to see you again! Thank you for your support and for giving me a chance, it meant a lot to me!
And also thanks to those who aren't able to support me monetarily (which is totally fine), but support me through favorites, likes, retweets, follows, and generally spreading the word around! I appreciate you a lot as well!
Well, that was all for this summary, thank you very much for reading this, if you did. And I hope you'll join me or continue with me on this journey of improvement, growth and self discovery!

As always, thank you very much for your support!  ❤︎
I wanna invite any of you that haven't joined my Discord server yet to do so, since I tend to be a lot more talkative in there than here. I like to keep this place a little more clean with only important announcements and stuff, so I leave all the small talk and thoughts to a more direct approach on the supporters-only chat! So come have fun and chill! 
The invite:

Link to my previous summary: