Supporter Newsletter - Aug, 2021

Hello there, it's once again time to summarize the last month!

General Updates

I decided to end my Art packs aside from the CLIPs and PSDs one, because it was honestly just redundant. I don't intend on ever removing my things from here. I considered doing terms, so people who support me for a month only get the rewards for said month (and after a period of "trust" get everything else), but I honestly don't even know how to properly set that up nor would I feel right doing it. 
I don't wanna feel like I'm gatekeeping people from seeing my stuff (not saying artists that do that are, this is just a case of me, I fully respect artists that would rather do that). I much rather would prefer to have everything available to everyone and have supporters just be, y'know, supporters. You support my creation and me, and not the rewards you get. The rewards are just a byproduct. So that's where I want the focus to be, the support. That isn't to say I'll not put out stuff for you to see, it's  just that in my perspective the means are more important than the ends.
Now I know that by doing that there will be many people who will just sign up, get whatever they came for and leave immediately, but that's fine, I'm grateful for even those, for at least liking my stuff enough that they wanna see it. Of course a recurring support is much better but I'm not gonna force anyone to do it, so if you just paid me to have access to one specific (or more) things, that's totally okay.
I also know that for some months I may not put out as many things as "expected", specially considering how slow I can be to make my stuff sometimes, so it's okay if you decide supporting me isn't what you wanna do. But still, thank you for at least giving me a chance!

If you disagree with anything or everything I said above or have any other suggestions as to what I should do, feel free to let me know! This is an open letter to you supporters, followers, watchers, fans and everyone. And I wanna hear what YOU think as well. Your feedback is important and it just might be the thing I need to feel inspired and/or motivated.

About my Art

I recently decided to change the way I've been approaching my drawing process, for the longest time now I've been feeling like I wasn't able to draw anything interesting or that my art skills were being pushed back or limited by something. I couldn't quite figure out what it was, my best guess was art block, but surely an art block doesn't last for over a year, right? Not long after, I started to notice I was having some trouble coming up with sketches, working on linearts, shading, and that it was getting progressively harder for me to draw.

That's when I realized, my drawing tablet is actually the culprit behind my limitations. I have a very simple drawing tablet, a Wacom Intuos Draw, which is an older model of the current Wacom Intuos, it's very very basic and it doesn't have a touch pad nor a screen.

I've been mainly working with it for the past 5 years, but slowly but surely it was making my creations more and more limited, as I got better.
So to try and fix that, I devised a plan to make most of my sketches from now on on paper instead, traditionally. I'll then scan it or take a photo of it and pass it to digital. It's not a good solution probably, but I simply cannot afford a better drawing tablet (or an iPad) currently, so it will have to be how my creation process goes until I can do that.
But is it better now? I'd say yes. I'm feeling a lot more confident after I did a couple sketches and drawings on my sketchbook already, it felt like I was regaining something I had lost.

If you check my most recent WIPs, you'll see they're all mostly traditional now, that doesn't mean I'll never sketch anything digitally anymore, just that I'll put my preference into the former, whenever I'm struggling.
My newest OC, Ezrin, originated from my sketchbook, soon after I went back to drawing on it for the reasons above, so this proves to me that it can definitely be done. Surely it's a couple extra steps (specially if I wanna make variations to drawings), but I'll honestly take that any day over struggling and not feeling motivated because of "my lack of skills".

And again, if you have art suggestions, feel free to send them my way. I might not end up doing exactly what you suggested (or might), but it might lead me to something else entirely. Please, your feedback is really important!

On other (self-improvement) updates

I've been trying my best to be a little more active and talkative on my social media, but it's very hard for me since I'm such a boring and reclusive prick (at least I feel like), so forgive me if I just appear to be dead most of the time. :(

Maybe this is the cause of my lack of confidence and motivation sometimes too...


So I announced on the last summary that I've altered some goals' amount to reach, as well as revamp some others and added a new one, those reflect on my actual needs for art right now. My current tablet is pretty old and is starting to falter, for example ;u;

So far we haven't reached any goal, but we'll get there! I know it!
I also altered the amount of money needed for one of my goals, as I felt what I was asking before was somewhat unrealistic.
If you have a suggestion for a goal, feel free to let me know, I'm always listening! Sometimes it's hard to come up with these all on my own. x-x


I wanna give a special thank you to those that supported me for the month of July.


  • Arcluz
  • Brolli Diamondback
  • Saven van Dorf
  • Speedy_Fox_IV

Fans (Fanbox):
  • Anonymous_125

Thank you very very much, from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate you for enjoying my art, giving me a chance and supporting me!
For those who decide to continue being supporters, I hope you continue to enjoy your stay! Thank you very much for your continuous support! Love ya! ❤︎

For those leaving, for whichever reasons, I hope to see you again! Thank you for your support and for giving me a chance, it meant a lot to me!

And also thanks to those who aren't able to support me monetarily (which is totally fine), but support me through favorites, likes, retweets, follows, and generally spreading the word around! I appreciate you a lot as well!

Well, that was all for this newsletter, thank you very much for reading this, if you did. And I hope you'll join me or continue with me on this journey of improvement, growth and self discovery!

As always, thank you very much for your support, and for being you!  ❤︎
Link to my previous summary:

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