
2038: George Almore is working on a true human-equivalent AI. His latest prototype is almost ready. This sensitive phase is also the riskiest. Especially as he has a goal that must be hidden at all costs: being reunited with his dead wife.
Director: Gavin Rothery
Writers: Gavin Rothery

My Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Anne and I had never heard of this movie before we stumbled across it on Google Play Movies. We were bored, in the mood for something sci-fi(ish), and wanted to watch something we hadn’t heard of before.
The trailer looked interesting, as did the plot. Considering we were both in the mood for a heart-wrencher, something to give us the feels.
I honestly didn’t go into this movie with very high expectations; I just expected to be mildly entertained.
Fuck was I thrown. 😳
The ending... I did not see it coming. During the last five minutes, my mouth dropped open, my eyes gradually widened, and I finally stood up and blurted out, “No fucking way!” as everything rapidly clicked together. This film is a bonafide masterpiece. 🤯

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? Curious about the Rotten Tomatoes rating? Let me know what you think!