UPDATE: Reward Changes

Howdy yall!

The past year has been hectic for all of us, both good and bad, myself included. There's a lot going on on my end - family emergencies, social circle drama, lifestyle changes, you name it. That includes experimenting with my artistic process and, once again, reanalyzing the structure of my business. I feel like I've come to a fork in the road, and I have to decide whether to continue on the path I'm already on, or clone myself and split up to take both paths.

I don't want to go into too much more detail at this point, but you guys will of course be the first to hear about it when the time comes. In the meantime, the changes have thrown my routine completely out of whack, but I'm not sure that routine will even work for me anymore.

All this to say I'm gonna be nixing some of the rewards here to lighten my stress workload. Namely I'm going to put early access on hold, and while I might still drop in with an occasional exclusive or blog post, I don't feel I make them frequently enough to advertise them the same as a consistent reward. You will still be getting high res files, and at the $5 tier or higher, free Gumroad content and store discounts.

TLDR: Lots of life changes, no more early access; high res, image packs, and store discounts unaffected.

If you want to lower or remove your pledge to reflect the change, that's totally okay! No offense taken :) If you don't care one way or the other, feel free to ignore this post. You can stay at your current tier.

Thank you to everyone for sticking with me while I figure myself out. It means the world to me <3