Weekly Roundup 3-6-21
It's early AM here and I'm writing this after failing at prepping for the final scene for the next update. Unfortunately sometimes trying new things ultimately results in wasted time or great success. As of now, wasted time due to an application crash. However, despite this I intend to have a release candidate for CoL 0.1.1 by the end of this upcoming week. As such the next version may very well have partially animated scenes. Which was a large goal for this update due to the amount of time it takes to render an animation.

◙ Created new outfits for Marie in preparation for later updates. (see showcase)
◙ Added priestess NPC busts as well as Princess bust
 • You'll have to see if this amounts to anything later.
 • At first glance you wouldn't think this would have taken long, but getting a good fit to Marie took combined hours.
◙ Created and rendered Alexandra scenes, and Ben scenes.
◙ Plugins were implemented for the possibility of animated scenes.
 • Has yet to be tested.
◙ Worked on creating a prop for the last scene in this update.
 • Application crash rendered all of the work useless, as I neglected to save earlier.
 • The prop may require some other method to create, so not all is wasted.
◙ Did a revisit on Jennevive animation.
 • It has to be rendered to see if it worked out in the end.

All in all, I feel like I sort of dropped the ball on this update as I made a personal goal of getting it done within one month of the last one. (That was a week and a half ago roughly). But due to experimenting with some things in daz studio in order to produce better overall renders some time was wasted. As well some writers block regarding the last few scenes caused a few days of progress to lapse. I could have easily just written, Marie uses her hand on X and feels funny about herself. But it's an important time in the story and Marie is not a character that is that easy to coerce.