Sex Gods - New version!

Hello, Guapo's Team!!

I bring you the Sex Gods V 0.41:
  1. Subscribers version here!
  2. Cheats version here!

And the Sex Gods V 0.40:
  1. Public version here!

  • Changelog here!
  • Game's guide here!
  • List of genres of the game here!
  • List of sex scenes here!
  • Discord server, here!
  • Subscription Info! Here!
  • How is this project developed? Here!
  • How to use cheat codes? Here!
  • Android Problems? Here!
  • Mac Problems? Here!

I hope you love the new content and changes to this version. I send you a big hug and a heartfelt thank you for all your amazing support—this project wouldn't be possible without you! 😊

 Attention 1:
Suppose you're a new subscriber, and your payment is successfully processed. In that case, I will send you an email (if you share your email address with me) or a private Subscribestar message (if you don't share your email address with me) with the download links of the game as soon as possible (before the trust period time). Please check your spam folder because my email might be there due to the number of links within the email.

Attention 2:
If you update your pledge from $1, $3, or $5 to $10 or more before the trust period ends (three days), please tell me in a message or email ([email protected]) because I don't get any notification about your change and I can't know it.