Trust Period
Hello, everyone!
I implemented a Subscribestar option named Trust Period. This function will help us to avoid possible fraud by users who want to steal content.
How it works?
I implemented a Subscribestar option named Trust Period. This function will help us to avoid possible fraud by users who want to steal content.
How it works?
- The Trust Period imposes temporary limit on the access to the bulk of the published content for all new Subscribers, starting from the first day of the subscription.
- This feature is managed by me and is set to 3 days.
- Until the Trust Period is over, new Subscribers will have access to the three most recent posts only.
Subscribestar doesn't have an option to unlock to subscribers the content until their payment is successfully processed, so anyone can make a fake payment to get all the content. Then they unsubscribe and cancel that payment before being processed.
This trust period option will unlock all the content posted here, after three days of starting your subscription (current subscribers won't see any change in the page; this option only applies to new subscribers).
For example, you start your subscription on the first day of the month, which will allow you to see the last three posts of my page, and after day 3, you will be able to see all the content of this page.
The way I post new versions of the game will be different, now I will update an old post with each new version of the game, and when a new version is released, I will post a new post to let you know it. Inside that new post, you will have a link to the updated post with the download links (to avoid to making you search that old post each new release).
However, I can identify when a new subscriber's payment is successfully processed. If you're a new subscriber and your payment is successfully processed, I will send you an email or a private Subscribestar message (depending if you share your email address or not with me) with the download links of the game as soon as possible and before the trust period time ends.
Usually, when you make a payment, it's processed in a few minutes, so don't worry about waiting three days (if you're a new subscriber) because you will get the corresponding version of the game in less than 24 hours.
I say 24 hours because If I'm sleeping, I can't send you the version, but I will send the message in minutes if I'm awake. I'm available between 9:00 am and 11:59 pm | UTC-06:00.
Remember, this only applies to new subscribers, and only the first three days of your subscription.