How is this project developed?

Hello, Guapo's team!

I want to let you know how I'm working right now, and I will update this post each time I change this.

Currently, on 14/04/2023, I work between 6 and 7 hours per day, five days per week. I got some help. My dear friend Schoucquel helps me with the French translation, and sometimes, other friends help me on our Discord server by answering your questions.

However, I'm the only one developing the game and administrating this project (drawings, story, English translation, coding/programming, animations, customer service, advertising, etc.).

Working like this usually takes me between one to three months to release a new version.

Also, every two weeks, I update the monthly post "Upcoming version X" so you can give it a look each time you want to know the current status of each version.

Here is an example of how much time it takes me to develop a new sex scene:
  • Step 1 (between one and five days): I need to decide what kind of scene it will be, how many characters I will use, who will appear in the scene, what poses I will use, what fetishes I will include, how it will connect to or impact the game's story, Spanish dialogs, and English translation.
  • Step 2 (between one and three weeks): Make the needed drawings (characters, background, visual effects, and others) and divide each drawing into assets (pieces) so that I can use them in Unity.
  • Step 3 (between two and four weeks): Make the Unity configuration and GameObjects to use the last step's drawings. Make all the programming/scripts: add all the dialogs (Spanish, English, and French translation), drawings (through the code, I show them where I want and with the size I need), general coding (conditions, functions, and methods to play the new sex scene). Finally, create all the required animation and add sound and particle effects.
  • Step 4 (completely random): testing, if there are problems, solving those bugs, and research time to learn things I don't know how to do.

Note: In that example, I do not include everything needed to create a new version; it only involves creating one new sex scene.

I don't know if I work the best possible way, but I try my best! I would appreciate any advice or tips you can give me; you can comment on this post, send a message through our Discord, or send a private message here.

Thank you very much for your support! I appreciate it a lot! Remember that this project is possible thanks to people like you!