Inheritance B1 Public Build


Beta 1 is now available to the public!  I hope you all enjoy it!

B1 Changelog:

* Wrote and added a scene for a female MC meeting Red for the first time.  5.3k words of content sponsored by RageAgainstDaMachine.
* Wrote and added a nyotaimori themed scene involving Misaki, Eve, and Anna to the dining room.  3.4k words of content sponsored by TheTealDragon.
* Wrote and added a small kitchen scene for Olivia during daytime hours.  .3k words of content.
* Wrote and added a scene for Katy to the pet store during work hours.  .5k words of content.
* Wrote and added three small pregnancy related scenes to the female MC around the mansion.  .3k words of content.
* Wrote and added a hint for Vanni's intro scene to Iris over at Isawu.  .3k words of content sponsored by Blauz.
* Wrote and added a hint for Mitsuko's intro scene to Iris over at Isawu.  .3k words of content sponsored by Blauz.
* Wrote and added a hint for Red's intro scene to Iris over at Isawu.  .3k words of content sponsored by Blauz.
* Wrote and added a hint for Gaia's intro scene to Iris over at Isawu.  .2k words of content sponsored by Blauz.
* Fixed an issue where you would buy a generic slave, and not have them removed from Bruce's store.
* Added the back bone of the generic slave purchase/sale mechanic.  Still needs expanding and refinement but it's in.
* The usual assortment of spelling, grammar, and other minor fixes.  Thank you to everyone who sent in reports, you're an amazing community and all of you help make this game what it is.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 12/08/24.  If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let us know so we can get it fixed.