March's Newsletter

Hello, everyone!

How the hell is it already March? I swear to God that 2025 is passing by abnormally quickly.

Let's quickly slither into this month's newsletter. If you don't read it fast enough, it might become April already!

A Memefied Summary Of February

Behold, a summary of February's smut in the format of memes. I've included the Predator commission story here since it's basically a February story in my eyes, delayed purely beucause of the wait for NovelAI V4.

Casual Review Of February Polls

I ran a couple of curiosity polls in February, as I sometimes do. I figured it'd be nice to highlight the results here.

The first poll was about whether you guys enjoyed reading WIP drafts of ongoing Subscribestar stories. Since this is a benefit available only to the Fighter and Merchant tiers, only they got to answer this poll.

As it turns out, the vast majority of you say it depends on the story. If we unite this result with those who said "yes", it seems that a supermajority likes the drafts - at least of the stories they're into.

I wasn't sure what result I expected, but it's nice to know that the drafts are of interest to everyone.

The second poll was about whether you guys enjoed the inclusion of AI images in the stories. I expected that most would say "yes" because such was the result the last time I ran a similar poll.

Well, I was wrong. Even MORE people said yes that than I expected.

I'm happy to know that you guys like the images because so do I, and they're gonna get much better now that NovelAI launched its V4 model. I've been testing it out a lot, and it's crazy the stuff it can do.

I think we got a good show in the Bleach story, and an even better one in the Predator commission. They should get better as I get more used to it as well. There's a very large commission on the verge of completion that's gonna show a lot of its power as well. Keep an eye out!

I Need To Be Stricter With Story Sizes 

I've gone a bit too wild with story sizes in the Subscribestar stories recently. I think it's about time I calm down and control these a little to get more frequent releases. So, instead of stretching out a chapter until it's gone through every story beat I want it to, I might start hard-capping the sizes and leaving things for the next chapter.

Or, maybe, I'll say screw it and keep doing the same thing like a hopeless maniac.

Don't take bets.

We Have A Discord Now

After literal years of hesitation, I've gone and created a Discord so fellow degenerates can hang out and meme about.

My hesitation over it was that I don't want moderating it to turn into a second job. That said, I think the filter of access only being available to subscribers probably takes care of that for the most part. So, for now, we have a Discord.

If I ever decide it's too much of a hassle, I might kaboom it. Should that ever happen, my apologies.

Every channel is accessible to all paid tiers, except for the Drafts channel (Fighters and Merchants) and the Emporium Of Degeneracy channel (Merchants only).

The latter has no purpose to it yet. I'm still thinking of what to do with it.

Also, the Updates channel is available even to the free tier, but only I can post on it.

If you'd like to access the Discord, the button should available to the left, by the Pledge button.

Something With AI Images For The Merchant Tier?

As I've mentioned in the previous newsletter (and even in a few prior newsletters), I'd like to add another benefit to the Merchant tier. The main one right now has to do with Prompt Polls, but we don't have those every month.

Looking at how good AI images have gotten, I've wondered if I couldn't do something related to them as a benefit. That said, as I've mentioned so many times, I'm a writer and have zero interest in changing that, so I'm not interested in doing image commissions or any such thing.

The best idea I've had so far is using the Merchant-only channel in the Discord server to post images that were created outside of my usual story-creation process. I.E, they're not part of any story, nor are they necessarily canon to them, though they may be inspired/related by them. 

Let me know if you have thoughts on the subject! In the end, I may or may not do anything, as is the customary Usurpman doctrine.

We Shall Have A Prompt Poll This Month!

I considered leaving the formal announcement for when I had the Naruto story finished, but I think I'll do it in a couple of days instead.

The details haven't been fully decided yet, but I believe we'll do a classic free-for-all this time around. Also, I think I'll lift the oneshot-only restriction. Since I'm trying to work with a hard-cap for story sizes, it's better for me to have some freedom with how many parts I might need to complete an idea instead of forcing myself into a one-shot that may need a huge size to fully develop the story.

That said, I'll probably still reject prompts that imply a long-ass series.

Also, for those who may have missed it, I moved the winners of December's Prompt Poll closer in the Workflow Central. I'd like to get to them soon!

With this, March's Newsletter is completed! Thank God, we're not in April yet.

There's a VERY large commission about to wrap up, and the Naruto story is progressing quickly. Other than that, I'm working on a couple of other comms and should begin Adding A BBC To The Family - Chapter 8 soon. March shall be a great month for smut.

As always, thank you all for your continued support!