Supporter Update 0.2.4

My dearest friends, without whom the project would not have been possible.
I proudly present you the 0.2.4 Update, which is another beefy step towards the next major update. Please read the changelog and enjoy ^^
  • Item Recovery after death (a sack spawns where you died)
  • Most enemies now have an H attack (percentage chance dependent on player lust)
  • Lust System implementation (early stage), including
    • New Statuses
    • Visual representation of lust level
    • Higher % chance to get grabbed with higher lust
  • An old, previously unused h animation added to a certain beastman's repertoire ^^
  • Smaller changes and bugfixes, including graphical, typo and enemy behavior fixes

Public Update 0.2.3:
As per the rules, the public version containing the last update is released as well to the broad public:
  • Pregnancy system expansion, including
    • Early pregnancy stage added
    • Buffs/Debuffs when pregnant (1st stage only at the moment)
    • Multiple fetuses support
  • Offspring system rework
  • (in code mostly, you will not notice much change in this version but underneath, a lot more offspring stats and values are now tracked)
  • Censorship remade for certain scenes (relaxing the hard-line approach on the b animations)
  • Bugfixes to the conception system, other smaller changes

Supporter Update Download:
Public Update Download: