Deathblight Jormungandr Demo update - public release

Hello everyone! ^^

Here is the updated demo version of Deathblight Jormungandr:

Future content updates will only be handed to supporters here on our Game-Subscribestar before the full 1.0 version is being sold on platforms like Steam or DLSite.

Towards the end of January and in February I will be working on the next content update for Deathblight Jormungandr, which will include the southern woods with 2 new enemy types and respective Combat CGs and Game Over CGs.
(I hope to ship this out in March)

I'm looking forward to hearing how you like the changes! ^^
Also come join our Discord Server, if you haven't already:
[Discord Link]


Here is the changelog for Deathblight Jormungandr's 2025 01 02 updated demo version.

- updated tileset for the northern swamp
- removed the cave placeholder background
- various typos fixed
- teleporter now available to Cave 1 and Cave 4 maps
(unlocked after discovering the teleporter)

- warning before the boss fight
- status effect icons that didn't do anything important got removed
- skill descriptions had been updated (attack priority etc.)
- added orb to inventory for NSFW toggle, in "key items"
- added consumeable Dispel Herb to remove "Pleasure Drunk" 100% of the time
- added Dispel Herb to Shopkeeper NPC
- added Dispel Herb to loot on the maps
- added "Nail Slash" new special attack for Loki
- added "Sacred Statue" to village, where Nail Slash can be unlocked
- adjustments to enemy numbers in early regions
(tougher foes should be in front of the cave and deeper into the cave)

- various adjustments to spells as follows
- Regeneration 5 turns --> 7 turns
- Poison status effect 3-5 turns --> 4-5 turns duration
- Poison Cloud 80% hit chance --> 85% hit chance
- Needle Barrage MP cost reduction 25 --> 20
- Needle Barrage 60% hit chance --> 70% hit chance
- Needle Barrage flat damage increase +10
- Resist 25 TP --> 15 TP
- Struggle 35 TP --> 25 TP