Make Up Stream

Krampus with me and the boys. He's clearly working from a list, I'm just... not sure which one. Naughty? Or Nice?

Anyway it looks like I basically won't be streaming on my usual days all December due to a combination of work and illness, so I streamed today and plan on going tomorrow for as long as I can before my next appointment in the evening. And if I finish the work I need to, maybe stream on Saturday, too? But I can't on Sunday.

But it turns out I have an ulcer. Like right on top of the door to my intestines, too. They put some kind of patch on it, like sealing a leak, and I'm getting another one or two added in on Sunday when they check it out. And now I have to chug a pint of this nasty medicine with pulp in it every day and limit everything I eat for the next few weeks and get a bunch of tests and possibly surgery. Again.

Kinda wishing the universe could maybe chill the fuck out for a few months and give me a break for awhile? That'd be nice.