December's Newsletter

Hello, everyone!

This year passed by far, far too quickly. I can't believe December is already here.

I considered giving this newsletter a sorta 'overview on the year' vibe, but it's still the beginning of the last month. Instead, I'll do a 'end of year' post closer to the 31st.

I THINK I did the same thing last year? I can't remember.

So, instead, let's do a normal newsletter for the beginning of the month, as usual.

A Memefied Summary Of November

First, allow me to offer you the awe-inspiring memes I have come up with about November's smut.

I Want To Wrap Up Tons Of Series!

There is nothing too special to say here. I love every Subscribestar series we have going, and I also want to wrap them all up because there are too many!

I've considered the silly idea of taking a one-at-a-time route to reach conclusions faster, but that also means there will be huge hiatuses for the series awaiting their turn.

Nothing's changing, probably. I think giving them all steady continuation is better than focusing on one at a time. But I do intend to be more careful about how many series I have running at a time in the future, after I've cleared enough of them that I can consider newer ones.

A Two-Winner Prompt Poll For December?

I made a post in November about some of the ideas I had been considering for some sort of special Christmas event.

Even though I liked the hilarious stupidity of Usurpman High, and also liked some of the ideas suggested in the comments of that Degeneracy Pit, I've concluded it is likely smarter to take a simpler route.

Any project I decide to take on has the inevitable effect of delaying other series I could be progressing or commissions I could be writing. So, special Christmas one-shots or silly series like Usurpman High may sound nice but come at the cost of other things.

A Two-Winner Prompt Poll, on the other hand, is relatively simple and fun for everyone to participate in, or so I believe. It does have the cost of adding two stories to my Subscribestar-exclusive queue, but I still find that more manageable - and probably interesting - than writing some special crossover-type story. Plus, I can adjust and skip prompt polls for a month or two to accomodate.

What I haven't fully decided yet is if I'll make it OC-only or do two polls: one OC-only and one Fandom-only. I'm inclined toward the latter idea but haven't made a firm decision for now.

My reluctance comes from the fact that I wanted to avoid a potential scenario with two Futanari or BBC winners, so I considered doing a futa-only and a non-futa only poll. If I do OC-only and Fandom-only, it wouldn't work.

Maybe I'll leave it to fate and then just add restrictions to future polls depending on the results.

Either way, I'll figure out! Do let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

By the way, Naruto prompts are hereby banned for an undetermined period of time since we just had a Naruto winner. Also, I might ban RWBY prompts too. I haven't decided yet. 

2000 USD Goal Hit in November

Last but not least, this page hit the 2000 USD goal in earnings for the first time ever in November.

It is only because of everyone's support that I can devote myself full-time to writing pure, crazed, weird degeneracy.

Whenever these goals are hit, I always say that I can't offer any extra rewards because I'm already putting 100% of my time and effort behind each story.

There is no twist. It's still the same thing xD.

Thank you all very much for your support. I want to continue doing this for a long time, so I shall keep giving it my all in puting out needlessly weird smut scenarios. You all seem to like reading it as much as I enjoy writing it, so we work well together.

That is all for December's Newsletter!

As I mentioned at the beginning, I intend to write a sort of 'end-of-year letter' closer to the 31st with an overview of 2024's work, so expect that.

Right now, I'm working on wrapping up a large commission sequel, and am deep in the writing of another. I've also begun outlining the Yuri Prompt Poll winner from September. It will still take a bit for drafts. I really want to conclude Something Is Seriously Wrong With Carrie this month!

I'm still figuring out where I'll position the Naruto winner from November in my queue. This is why I want to have fewer series going at the same time! Organization becomes easier.

I want to add a small epilogue to Passing The Sin Along this month, if possible (an ACTUALLY small epilogue; No full chapter crap, I swear!).

If there are other concluded Subscribestar series you think could benefit from an epilogue, feel free to let me know in the comments below. Gaslighting Therapist is not a valid option!

I shall now return to the shadows and get back to work.

As always, thank you all for your continued support. I hope everyone has an excellent December.