Young Jill Animations + Update
Greetings~ well...the usual drill again for this week. for you know who.

Y Jill Animations
...I think I overdid it a bit. ...uh...as per usual, get them before they got nuked.
Probably should've used the extra time slot to play the game or extract more characters... oh welp.
She is among the characters that I instantly recognize the moment I look at the files. this was when the only way to tell which character is which was from the texture files.
There might be a slight anomaly that I missed, because I did manually rigged her hair and attire.
This is certainly not the last of her. I might just do her at any random time like I do Young Luna.

Another 16 casts this week. because like I said, they are the priority currently. it's Jote and Annabella.

Now, I know some people are going to ask me anyway, but before anyone ask, I'm not going lewd Olivier. What I'd probably do however, make him a background character. like I did Hope or Young Aerith a while back. though, I might do it with a different theme this time.
Well that leaves... Vivian, Bene,Barnabas'mother and Kihel? for the other side Characters, I still have no clue where they are in the files. they are still labeled as "other NPCs".
I could still look for them manually though. but those named above are the priority right now.
Still haven't finished the game yet, but I've made it as far as finding Mid and Jote really really cute in some scenes. I'm really enjoying the game! albeit slower than everyone else.
if this was FF14 that I'm playing, I'd probably still stuck at early expansion MSQ.

ed'c Rikku'c dinh vun tapid.
After her, I kinda want to rush Sphene out of the way. by the order, It should've been Lucia Junius for next month's XIV. but I just really like how Sphene look and she is been stuck in my head whenever I listen to Dawntrails music recently.
....Well that's about it.
thank you for your kind support and donations as always m(_ _)m
Godspeed, and please take care~ see you next week~
JOTE! Lets fucking go!
FFXVI + Huge amount + Creampie? So good
Also I like how she gradually seems to feel better, or I may read too much into it
Amazing animations...just wish her proportions were a little more petite...looks kinda odd at times with young Jill's head on an older body. Still, great job! Thank you and I hope to see more of her and adult Jill too!
Jote and mid! Also can’t wait to see Sphene
Young Jill is so great! Cant wait for Bernadetta to be put in her place!