July's Newsletter

Hello, everyone!
July has begun and I’m already working at full steam up to get pure degeneracy out for the world’s enjoyment.

Let us jump right into it.

There is no joke this time, thus subverting your potential expectations.

If there was no expectation for a joke, then it is you who have subverted my expectations.


Pipeline For The Month Of July

As mentioned in a prior post, I was forced to deal with IRL matters that decimated my high-powered June plans. Thus, I have no pipeline to offer for July yet. I am currently catching up on what I intended to have out in June.

Namely, the following:

  • Something Is Seriously Wrong With Carrie – Chapter 2 (probably not finale; I believe Chapter 3 will be the finale);
  • Welcomed Into A Depraved Futanari Family – Chapter 5;

Once these two are out, I will make another post announcing the pipeline for July. I know which stories I want to bring for July, but I wanna get those two out first and then reassess my timetable to ensure it's realistic.

There should also be a couple of commissions to come, one of which borders on being finished. They were meant for June too but, oh well.

On that note, Something Is Seriously Wrong With Carrie 2 is already deep in the works. I hope to have a draft soon, and then the next drafts quickly after.

I cannot guarantee a Prompt Poll this month. I’ll see as the month progresses. 

A New Perk Under Consideration

When I generate AI images for a story, I usually generate a lot of them until I feel like I have enough good ones. Then, I pick the one I think was best for the scene it’s intended for. Maybe I do some inpainting to fix up a detail here or there and that’s that.

That leaves me with several alternative images that I don’t really use for anything.

I know a lot of people like the AI images in the stories, so I was considering making all generated images available to the Fighter tier with each Subscribestar story release. Even though some are messy or of poor quality, a lot of them are great and just did not get picked for the story because I didn’t find them to fit the scene for one reason or another.

I’ve avoided doing such a thing before because I’m a writer, not an AI image artist or whatever would be the best term, so I don’t want to confound things or make my page about AI images. At the same time, I already generate these images for the stories, so I might as well do something with them.

I have not made a decision yet but let me know if you have any thoughts on the subject.

Character Popularity Poll This Month

The last time we had a character popularity poll was in January.

Maybe I should run these more frequently. That said, we’re having one this month! As always, it’ll include every big female character that appeared in a Subscribestar-exclusive story in the past 6 months.

I’m curious to see who wins this time around!

And that is all. We gotta have a short newsletter every now and then, right?

I’m working hard to make July a great month for smut. Thank you all for your continued support!