June's Newsletter

Hello, everyone!

We're at the halfway mark of 2024! There's been plenty of hardcore smut this year thus far, and there shall be plenty more in the second half.

Now that I'm almost completely caught on my commissions queue, I want to increase my focus on this page a little and make some changes.

Let us side-walk into this month's newsletter.

Yes, like a crab. It's not awkward if you don't make it awkward.

*Awkwardly side-eyes you during side-walk*

Oh, boy, this was a mistake.

Pipeline For The Month Of June

Here's what to expect for June in terms of Subscribestar-exclusive content.

The OC Prompt Poll Winner from March (which I failed to get out in May because I went a tad too psycho on some commissions - which I hope everyone enjoyed! I most certainly did):
  • (OC) Rachel won’t stop violently acting out, hating her mother, and only slightly less her father. After he reveals to her that she is adopted, he is surprised at how well she takes it, though it is a problem that she is regularly bringing new female friends over, all of which are highly fuckable. To make things worse, his sleeping pills have been giving all sorts of vivid erotic dreams. It should be fine to indulge, since they are just dreams… (Big Tits, Big Ass, BWC, NTR Wife (Unaware), Inferior Wife, Implied Harem, Dirty Talk, "Daddy Kink", BDSM, "Daughter", Spanking, Insulting Mother/Wife, TitJob, Anal, Creampie, Goth, Teasing Outside Of The “Dream")

The Prompt Poll winner from May:
  • (RWBY) Blake and Yang have been dating for years. Blake is excited to hear her mom is now recently engaged after secretly dating for about 6 months, which Yang found odd. They plan to visit her. Kali’s lover turns out to be Yang's high school bully, Elm Ederne. At first, Yang had a bad feeling, but Blake wanted to stay. For the next few weeks, Yang's world will turn upside down as the amazon aims to get close to her, and even closer to Blake. (Futadom, NTR, Assisted NTR, MILF, Dubcon, Interracial, Dark Theme, Corruption, Rough Fucking, Mindbreak, Thick Ass, Big Tits, Deep Penetration, Creampies, BDSM, Impregnation Kink, Humiliation, Rimming, Anal, Large cock, Facesitting, Homophobia/Slurs, BBC)

That's right! You read correctly. The MAY Prompt Poll Winner is getting its story released in JUNE, the following month. We are finally back to next-month releases for Prompt Poll Winners. I am so, so happy to have finally gotten here. Thank you all for your patience.

That is not all, however.

That's right! This month, we're having a THIRD Subscribestar-exclusive release.
  • Something Is Seriously Wrong with Carrie - Chapter 2 (possible finale).

Since Story Continuation Polls were discontinued, I've been eagerly waiting for the time to finally start choosing the next series to get continuations. My intention is to keep every series going as regularly as I can until they reach their ending, though I give myself the freedom to continue some more often than others based on demand or momentum or my whims.

But! There is MORE! We're having a FOURTH Subscribestar-exclusive chapter this month as well.

Adding A BBC To The Family - Chapter 7 OR House of Temptations - Chapter 3 OR Welcomed Into a Depraved Futanari Family - Chapter 5.

I figured we could run a special poll this month, involving these three series. Whichever one wins will get a chapter this month. The losers get a chapter in July. In other words, they're all continuing regardless, but you choose which first.

For those that might ask, this poll will be treated as an exclusive poll, so only accessible to the Fighter tier and beyond.

The reason for the bigger-than-usual pipeline this month is that my commissions queue is ALMOST fully cleared, so I can afford to dedicate bigger chunks of the month to Subscribestar content. Moreover, since I intend to keep these series updating more regularly from now on, I can afford reduced chapter sizes since there shouldn't be such a big wait between them.

I reserve the right to epically overwrite and screw over my monthly word budget, thus ruining everything. If that happens, blame future me, not present me. Alternatively, if I get run over by a car, all bets are off.

Let us continue down the Newsletter!

More Focus On The Page And When Am I Opening Up For Commissions?

Throughout the past several months, I've been making gradual changes to the functioning of this page and its tiers to have more control over queues and content output.

With my commissions queue now almost at its end, I want to focus a little on this page before opening up again. In other words, I want to get out more continuation chapters for our ongoing series and also work on running Prompt Polls more frequently. I mean this not just as a temporary thing, but as a permanent evolution for the page as well.
From now on, we won't have a fixed Prompt Poll every two months because I intend to run them more irregularly/uniquely. I.E, instead of having a fixed Prompt Poll schedule, I'll assess my workload and run Prompt Polls accordingly.

The intention is to run more Prompt Polls, and also more unique ones, such as of specific tags, ideas, themes, fandoms, etc, etc. If needed, the freedom to run less polls and focus on something else is algo good to have. Flexibility on the content of the Prompt Polls is also useful. For instance, if there are too many series, I may focus on Prompt Polls that allow one-shot ideas only; Or, if my workload is too much to keep up, I can adjust accordingly.

I intend to reopen eventually. I know there is a lot of commissioner interest, and I love writing commissions, with many of them being outright banger ideas (I'm sure May was a very popular month for everyone). Plus, a lot of great series that everyone loves - me included - are commissions.

That said, I've been blessed with what I consider to be a lot of subscribers on this page too, so I want to balance a little more time here and a little less on commissions moving forward. So, I'm not reopening just yet.

Now that I have a freer schedule available, I can also be more spontaneous with Subscribestar stories and polls. A few months ago, I watched the entirety of Avatar and Legend of Korra for the first time. I considered running a special poll at the time where everyone voted on prompts for a one-shot story involving Azula or Korra but simply did not have the schedule freedom to fit in.

Maybe I can find a moment to run that in the near future now. Or maybe I'll free-write it. Keep an eye out.

To summarize everything: Moving forward, I'm going to be focusing a little more on Subscribestar content and a little less on commissions, especially in June; Possibly July too. I don't yet know when I'll be opening up for commissions. However, when I do open up, I'll likely make it limited and controlled to ensure I never build up such a big queue again and am able to keep the rhythm going in Subscribestar content too.

I'm not yet sure what that'll entail, but it might mean accepting less commissions than I used to.

Unfortunately, time is a limited resource, so if I put more time here, it means less there. Plus, if I ever want to try my hand at other projects (such as an H-game some time in my life), I need a free and malleable schedule to change things up without having a months-long pre-set agenda. I appreciate everyone's understanding.

An important note: There are still a few last excellent commissions to come from my queue. One of these is a sequel to a very popular series. Be on the lookout.

Another note: I know some subscribers still have their stored words to spend. Rest assured, you're the first ones I'll get to once I reopen commissions.

Anything Else To Expect This Month?

Yes. Two things.

Firstly, I'll be updating some descriptions and images to reflect this new 'era'.

Secondly, another Prompt Poll, and early.

I'll announce the date formally in a few days. It'll be a special Prompt Poll: A rerun of every OC prompt from May's Prompt Poll. All OC prompts from last month will be automatically included with no need to pay any fee. I'll probably open a few slots for new OC prompts too.

I think it's inevitable that fandom prompts have a big advantage - especially Naruto, RWBY, and MHA, which I've written tons of stories on (and intend to keep writing, as they're quite fun). However, I like to write lots of different things, so I figured I'd do a special OC-only prompt rerun this time to promote some variety, since I have so many stories in those fandoms already.

Maybe I'll start separating OC prompts and fandom prompts into their own polls in the future? No idea. On a random note, I kinda wanna write Mirko again. Maybe I should do a Mirko-only Prompt Poll with one-shot prompts.

Many other characters too, now that I think about it. Can you believe I still haven't written a Makima story? Or Asa, for fellow cultured manga readers. That needs to happen.

I Might Add A Third Tier

I haven't fully decided yet, but I want to have three tiers. It sounds nicer and rounder than two.

My current idea is a 10 USD tier that allows the subscriber to submit one prompt every time there is a Prompt Poll. Then, if there are still enough slots available closer to the start date of the poll, they can submit up to two more prompts for an extra 5 USD each.

I'll probably do it but am still thinking on it. Feel free to give me ideas.

I think that's about it! I hope none of you actually side-walked through the whole Newsletter. That'd just be awkward. Also impossible.

Expect the poll about Adding a BBC To The Family/House of Temptations/Welcomed Into a Depraved Futanari Family within the next couple of days! Also, be on the lookout for the a couple of great commissions. June shall be a grand month for hardcore smut.

As always, thank you all for your continued support!