About the project

"THEg" is an third-person action-adventure bondage game taking place in a fictive dystopian world set in the current time in a small city.

An economic crysis will make the biggest companies enforce new laws against public opinion to force people into work to pay their debts.

The government decided to do an experiment in a few small cities to monitor how effective it would be. Naturally your city is one of the first ones.

These laws were blurry enough to allow a new kind of businesses to appear. You start right after the annoucement of these laws.

You play as two main characters:
  • A young woman who just started her model career.
  • A young man, who studies economics and wants to become a novelist, working part-time as a delivery man.

Where can i play?

A prototype is being worked on to showcase the main gameplay of the project. You can check my posts for weekly devlogs where i will talk about, what has been worked on, ideas, what's planned next week, etc...

What about a roadmap?

A roadmap will be available soon(tm) after the release of the prototype

What's planned to be in the prototype?

  • Female character: The prototype only includes female characters. A Male character is planned in the 0.2 update.
  • No sex: Sadly, not in this prototype.It is planned in the 0.2 update with Male characters.
  • Character customization
    • Breast and butt: Size and separation
    • Clothes: You can customize your character outfit by going into the "Wardrobe" page in the character menu.
  • Restraints: Ropes, Leather straps, Ziptie
  • Gags: Ballgag, Ring-gag, Cleave-gag and OTM-gag
  • Save system: This is the first version of the project and it already has a save system! Nonsense!
  • Outfits: You can save your current outfit and give it a cute name! There's is also no limits on the amount of outfits you can have. They will be saved globally, meaning, you can use your outfits in other saves.
  • Basic AI: Patrols, chase and restrain you.
  • And more: You have many ways to interact with the world around you, by approaching a character or object, by aiming at it with or without an equiped item. All you need to do is explore the game. ;)

Keep in mind, this is an early access and everything is mostly done by myself, the visuals and content of the game are subject to change over time. You will most likely find an issue / bug, in that case, you can report it on the project's Discord server.

About myself

I'm a french dude doing freelance work in Software / Game Development. I mostly worked on video games for about 10 years and here i am trying to make my own adult game!