Minfiryne Animations + Update

Salutations Warrior of Light. or is it Darkness? The oracles of light are here, Minfilia and Ryne... or should I call both of them with the same name?


These girls are the true chosen ones in the FF14 universe. bound to a doomed end. but I'm not going to spoil the story and how it ends for those who haven't played it yet. ...I too still haven't finished Shadowbringers. Don't think I ever will  seeing how expensive everything has become and how difficult it seems to re-subscribe to SE live service. (at least from where I live). it's hard to commit. uh..sorry for the sudden rant

Always wanted to have them in 1 frame just like Ryne & Gaia or Alisaie & Ameliance. ...but...I'm not entirely happy with the end result. something is off and I don't know what (again).

Other 14 pairing I have in mind currently :  
- Lyna and Lyse.
- M'naago and Lyse.
- Lucia and Hilda.
- Cirina and Sadu.
- The other12 goddesses like Halone & Nophica

if you have any pairing ideas, let me know.
don't expect for them to get done so fast and soon though. there are many characters I haven't even rigged yet. ...but I admit If I'm in the mood for them, I'd sometimes rush them and get them done faster. just like what I did to Ashley Graham.



The one Viera girl that made everyone wishes they were Balthier. Fran.

I rigged her FF14 model. just like I said I would.

About the feet dilemma, I'm just going to let her wear her shoes whenever I animate her. the hands also look human. so I'll leave it like that.

There is still Penelo, and FF14 Alma waiting to be done. I think that's all for ivalice girls?  might want to touch Type-0 girls soon. since I haven't done any of them.



It's Iris and Monica along with mandatory Aranea.  It's the 3rd Aranea back alley animation, so there will be a long version next week compiling the three of them. 
Monica is House Amicitia servant, so I think it's only obvious I'd pair them both. other obvious pairing is Luna and Iris but Luna is pairable with anyone really.

I'm also getting ready for June swimsuit set. the girls are mostly characters I'd love to revisit.  I included 2 popular petite characters this time. total of 6 characters (for now). the amount of character on the list still can go up depending on how much time I spend on each week animating. Usually I do spend waaay too much time fixing small details...like clipping,lighting and shadows etc. And lately, I tend to redo the animation process twice or more trying to figure out something that feels off. sometimes I even give up and scrapped some after wasting my time trying to fix stuff.

After Iris and Monica, I'll be touching Terra / Tina from FF6. 

That is all for this week! thanks for all the kind support and donations!  m(_ _)m