Journal Entry #13

Hey diary,
Guess what? I finally landed a lead role! However, it’s just a small theater play being put on by our class, so it really doesn’t mean anything. I’ll be playing Juliet in our school's production of Romeo and Juliet! I should be over the moon, right? But truth be told, I'm feeling more conflicted than ever.
First off, let's talk about Romeo. Ugh, he's like the epitome of everything I can't stand. He struts around like he owns the place, flashing his fancy clothes and flashing his flirty smiles at every girl he sees. Plus, he's always bragging about his family's wealth and how he's, like, the king of the school. The other girls are constantly hitting on him because his father is a major film producer. It makes my skin crawl just thinking about working with him.
And then there's the nagging thought that maybe I only got the part because Mr. Dreamboat seems to like me. He’s continued to show an interest in me. It’s subtle. A look here, a touch there… but I really do think he’s leaving me signals. Giving me this production… was it because of my own skill, or because he’s looking for an excuse to get closer to me? Does he see potential in me, or is he just playing me?
But the real kicker is knowing that Lily got a lesser part in the play. She wasn’t bitter about it at all. She didn’t seem to mind at all. But all I can think about is how she also landed a real acting gig outside of school, while I'm stuck playing make-believe on stage. It's like a punch in the gut, diary. Why do I have to feel jealous over the one friend I have? Am I a bad person?
But hey, I'm trying to stay positive. Maybe this role will open doors for me, lead to bigger and better opportunities. I just have to focus on giving the best performance I can, even if it means pretending to be in love with Romeo.
Here's hoping for a Shakespearean miracle,