Glassix 2 v0.12 released

Hi everybody!
  • Newbit scenario extended
  • Added new "Go to objective" action in slotbar
  • Added new UI icon to show objective action when there is an active objective
  • Added boobs physics!
  • Added quick text skip during event with CTRL key
  • Changed global water effect in city mode to something closer to some kind of pink fog
  • Added new infrastructure: RestaurantA
  • Added new location: RestaurantA Main Room
  • Added 13 new furniture: ChairD, PlantA, PlantB, PlantC, PlantD, PlantE, TableD, TableE, SignA, PaintingA, StatueA, CeilingLightB, LampA
  • Fixed livingroom windows model not letting light pass through
  • Fixed issue with pubic hair and face details layers darkening the skin
  • Fixed issue with loading screen disappearing before all textures were properly loaded when visiting a location
  • Fixed issue with city lights not updating properly at night

After many delays, here is the new version of Glassix 2. This version focus on the Newbit scenario story however I might have to disappoint some of you since the new content can be played in less than 5 minutes if you take the time to read everything. This is due to the complexity of writing events in Glassix 2 compared to Glassix. In 2D, I just had to pose characters, save the image and add the text. With 3D, this process is more complex since I need to adjust animations, face expressions, position in the room, camera angles and more... Add on top of that the needed time to add new buildings, locations and furniture each with their own texture to organize. Well, that's several days of work just for that. The fact that I don't master the whole process yet also adds to the needed time. However with time comes experience and I also plan to create tools to make everything much easier to handle thus making adding content much easier, for me and for players. More details in a future post this month.
Besides the story, I've also added some nice boobs physics and focused on making the game less of a hassle, learning from our experience with Glassix, though the way Glassix 2 plays is different.
First, to make things easier on the players, I've added some buttons to quickly go to objectives and I've added the quick skip feature when holding the CTRL key. I've also adjusted loading screen so they properly wait until everything is loaded in the room before disappearing.
Secondly, I've been looking into making locations less empty, starting with the new restaurant location. There's still some work to make it better but that's a first step in this direction. Unfortunately, I did not have time to fill other locations with more furniture but that'll come.
Overall, this new version doesn't bring too much for the player but it should give you a better idea of where I'm going with Glassix 2. Some of you mentioned the game looked a bit like another 3D H game named Lifeplay which was right but with this new version and seeing how the Newbit scenario unfolds, I want to show you that Glassix 2 will offer some proper story line similar to Glassix, unlike Lifeplay where you are a bit lost in what you should do in the game. Glassix 2 will offer both nice stories with scenarios and for those who prefer freedom, the Free mode will let you play in any city and set you own goals, though you'll have some optional side objectives to complete to earn karma and unlock more spells.
I apologize again for all those delays and hope you'll enjoy the new content. Let me know if you encounter any bug in the game!
Have a nice day!