Public Release 0.1613.1: Hiroko Ticklish Storyline Expansion

Hello, everyone!
This month's update sees the completion of a sub path on Hiroko's Ticklish storyline. To find out what I'm talking about, start Hiroko's route and select the "ticklish" suggestion, then choose to help her before you reach the point where Kyou has to decide whether or not to go through with his plan. The new path is the one where he chooses to do so.
We also have a new CG to go with the new content, and it appears during the fateful scene described above. A variant of it can also be seen early on in the Villainous Sleeper Agent storyline if you're curious about the other blank space in the CG gallery this month~
For next time I'm wanting a CG to close out this latest sub path, then I'll be looking to take on yet another of these hanging story paths. See you then~
  • WRITING: New sub-path written for Hiroko's Ticklish storyline, giving Kyou the option to use the penlight on Hiroko on the sixth day
  • ART: New CG has been made that appears during the Hiroko Ticklish storyline
  • ART: New CG has been made that appears during the Villainous Sleeper Agent storyline
  • Word count is now around 420,000
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Some typo and grammar corrections