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Apr 03, 2024 03:09 pm
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Yeul Animations + Update
Hello! here I am again just as ...the...prophecy....told?
....I wonder if Yeul saw a vision of what Warrior of Light is going to do with her.
Was she always this pale? or maybe it's just one of her ingame model designed to match the game's lighting. Also, I still don't know if the crystal on her chest is part of her body or not. and I'm not going to play the whole game again to find out.
I wanted to rig Lucia since forever but I kept delaying her. decided it is finally time. Other than her, Nael is also on my mind. I love Lucia and Nael in their armor.
I've always wanted to wear Garlean Legatus armor in the game. they all look so cool. if only Nael's armor is not so low quality. I think FF12 models have better detail than Nael's.
Seems to me, what you can't have always look cooler in Final Fantasy. I'm sure I'm not the only one who want to have things like Masamune,Hyperion and FF12's Archadian Judge armors in their game.
But If anyone can have them, they are not cool anymore I guess. other than Nael, I'm considering adding FF14's Shiva. both Ryne and Ysayle version. Ysayle version is less headache, so maybe hers first. don't know when though. Now that I think about it, I haven't touched Ysayle yet. maybe she'll come before her Shiva version.
Rino- I mean Ultimecia is next. I can already tell her outfit is going to give me a lot of problems, so maybe I'll just animate her nude unless I can find some poses that can work nicely with her outfit. After Ultimecia, I want to animate Y'shtola. if not Y'shtola, it's gonna be another random FF14 character.
And that't about it.
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Oooo can’t wait for Shiva! Nice work as always