Young Luna Animations + Update
Hello there Warrior of Light, we meet again. travelling back to World of Eos this time? but you already know who it is and what's the drill.

Young Luna BJ
Young Luna Ass up
Young Luna Ass up Anal
Young Luna Standing
Young Luna Standing Nude
Young Luna After
Young Luna After Nude
Young Luna Long
Aranea pill
Like usual, get them before they nuke the links.
Intended to make 1 Aranea and 2 Young Luna Animations... however, I don't know when I'm gonna be in the mood to animate Young Luna again. so I did 2 extra animations and their variations. And I'm slowly getting comfortable making at least 4 animations a week with the new hardware's rendering speed. it's been quite fun. I'm not promising anything though. as you know, blender and real life can be a pain sometimes. 3 is still the safest for my sanity.
I also learned and tested a new way of creating fluid animation without simulation using curve in one of the video. sadly the fluid looks bad with bright lighting directly aimed at it. with dim lighting, it's okayish. so, can't really apply it to every lighting setup.

Guess I'd have to wait for EEVEE NEXT's global Illumination for it to look good maybe?
Might as well rig one of XV's girl this week. got 3 to choose. Monica Elshett, Crowe Altius or Cindy Aurum.
I chose and rigged Monica Elshett this week.

"She's one of my father's best." - I was a bit confused about her hair color. is it gray or brown? in the wiki they say it's gray, yet the exported model has brown hair. changed it back to gray though.

The other 2 are coming sometime later. no rush. there is also Luna's ancenstor Aera Mirus Fleuret. but she is just Luna with different hair, eye color and costume I think.
don't have any idea for any of them yet.
And in a teaser of 16 DLC I saw a new character. I'll try to get my hands on her too (it's a woman..right?). but the game is still nowhere in sight for PC. welp.
Also have you heard about FF9 remake rumor? maybe I should just wait for the official Garnet model to animate her? just kidding. I'll animate my rigged version of Garnet first.
If FF9 remake really happens, it is probably not going to be playable anytime soon on PC anyway.

Going back and forth between Worlds, From the world of Eos, the Warrior of Light is going back to Nova Chrysalia. I want to animate Yeul next week. and maybe Ultimecia after. might be going easy the next 2 months because I wanted to make some time playing Eiyuden Rising and Chronicle.
That is it for this week!
Thank you as always for your kind donation and support! m(_ _)m
See you again!
superb work as usual. thank you for your great animations. will continue to support as i can <3
Dat aranea squirting!!!! Yup hope to see more like this