Amelisaie Animations + Update

Hello once again and welcome Warrior of Light, your serving of chicken and egg coming up!


Who doesn't love a serving of chicken and egg especially a spicy one. Intended to only make 3 animations, but I got carried away and made another one. A lil bit tricky to fit them in frame together than I initially thought with Ameliance being so big paired with Alisaie that is petite. but that's FF14 for you. 

Other than that, just couple of crashes here and there which I still don't know what's the cause. it's Blender. most of the crashes are unsolved mysteries. which I'm sure all frequent Blender users familiar with. Thankfully F14 models are light as feathers, opening the project file over and over again is super quick.



Speaking of light model, this week I rigged Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca from 12.

This is a PS2 model. so might look a bit weird and out of place with some lighting setup.

A young widow with bold attire, simply irresistible. Now that's she is here, Penelo is obviously also on my list.  As I said, for Fran, I'll just use her 14 model because it's just better. I also have plan to rig FF14's Alma Lexentale / Alma Beoulve at some point.
we'll see which of the Ivalice women going to get rigged next. I just hope I don't forget about them.



Hmm I think I'll do the usual petite article next week. she is not that short, but she is baby faced. I also need my Aranea pill, so there is gonna be 1 Aranea animation to charge my battery next week along with Young Luna. This is somewhat of a trial for Monthly XV. If I feel comfortable with it, I'll continue the monthly XV plan with random XV girls + Aranea per month.

And that is it for this week.
Thank you for your support and donations as always! thank you very much! m(_ _)m
Take care and see you again next week. ^^