Public Release 0.1610.1: Sayori Alter Storyline Expansion

Hello, everyone!
I wasn't able to do all that much over the past month but there's still something to show in this update, which expands on one of the previously inaccessible choices in Sayori's Alter storyline.
Now, when Kyou maintains Sayori's altered state through an entire day he'll be able to take one last chance to switch her back to normal before things get truly out of control. Will it be enough to save him from Sayori's ire? Or is he already too late?
Next month I intend to finish writing the latest sub-path and hopefully make some decent progress on something else. See you then!

What's New
  • WRITING: New sub-path written for Sayori's Alter storyline, albeit with the final parts outlined
  • ART: The rooftop club CG has been expanded for use in one scene during the Redemption storyline and two for the Nozomi Zombie storyline
  • Word count is now around 417,000
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Minor typo and grammar corrections