Glassix 2 v0.10 released

Hi everybody!
  • Added money feature
  • Added infrastructure and business ownership feature
  • Added money, income, income tooltip, expense, expense tooltip, owned infrastructure and owned business information in citizen panel
  • Added monthly event to earn money from income and lose money from expense
  • Updated citizen randomizer in Free mode to work by batch rather than overwriting every citizens when randomizing
  • Added new options to citizens randomizer in Free mode
  • Added new buttons in the citizen panel in Free mode to select owned infrastructure and businesses
  • Fixed issue with age calculation in Free Mode
  • Fixed issue with incorrect date display in specific cases
  • Fixed issue with hair not clearing in editors

So, here is the new version for Glassix 2 which simply introduce money to the game. Though it's just about money, there's quite some stuff going on behind such as the addition of building and business ownership which will be expanded on later on too. At the moment, owning stuff impact who will receive rents for buildings, and who will receive business members fees and pay employees salaries.
I've added those basic information in the Businesses panel and the Citizen panel so that everything is clear. I've also made it work for both modes: Scenario and Free mode. While in scenario, initial owners will be specified by the scenario and it might be possible to change during game if the scenario allows it. In Free mode, you'll be able to directly change ownership of the map buildings in the Citizen panel so if you want to own everything, no need to cheat, just go Free mode and get unlimited money :D
The UI is currently really blend. Since there's still a lot of stuff to add, I'll keep it blend to get a better idea of what we'll have and once done, I'll update the UI to make it prettier and more user-friendly.
I had less time to work on that due to Covid this month but overall, this new version introduce the basics of the full economy feature I'd like to add to the game to make it more complex and fun to play, feeling you actually achieve stuff and progress. In the future, I'll also add a new unique job, mayor, which will unlock even more actions to control stuff in the city such as building and business taxes and such though it's not a priority but something interesting to keep in mind.
I realize the current game is still not very interesting to play. I will still have to push your patience a little more with next version to add skill experience feature and jobs actions so that all the minimum necessary basic features of the game are done and then I'll be able to focus on actual game content, progress the Newbit scenario, add more sex animations, more interactions and events...
I apologize again for the lack of communication those last two months and thank you for your patience, understanding and support!